Read the book!

I loved this movie but it skimmed and ignored SO much stuff that was detailed in the book.
It didn't mention the Misfits and had one single clip of Bobby Steele (hardly a prime mover in the band).
It didn't detail how the Bad Brains totally blew their rep by feuding with the Big Boys.
It totally skipped over the Detroit scene and thusly missed the opportunity to interview Tesco Vee and Barry Henssler, two of the bigger motormouths in punk rock.
It failed to bring up the watershed H/C moment of Fear being on Saturday Night Live and America being introduced to actual slam dancing.
It seemingly derided the "rocking out" of (in particular) the Boston bands, but ignored the still-influential Metal/Punk crossover of COC (who were interviewed about OTHER bands), DRI, Tales Of Terror, et al.
It was inevitable that they couldn't cover all the bases in a 90 minute time limit, but they could have maybe squeezed in just a half hour's worth of more information.



Dude, they just neglected pretty much the whole Texas scene,a few seconds of footage not withstanding. I really wish they would've covered more of The Big Boys/Bad Brains feud. They still talk about it here in Austin to this day!
