Long Island Hardcore

is awsome. Anyone else agree?



ontario and Mass have been the best these past 10 years. Break

The Church of Samuel L. Jackson and Latter day Snakes


I grew up in long island. I don't think there was really much of a hardcore scene persay in the long island area. It was mostly about NYC. It wasn't untill the mid-90's when I started seeing people with "LIHC" tshirts and whatnot and more and more bands generating an actual long island scene. Hardcore really changed at that point. That was when the tide was turning. You saw nothing but 16 year old kids with acne wearing baggy pants and acting like eminem like all the white teenagers in america still do now more than ever. The style was also becoming a bit more metalized. Totally different crowd and atmosphere also. Where as in the past, when you went to a hardcore show you'd see guys that look like they just got out of san quinten. That's also when the whole spin kicking style of dancing started to dominate as well. Now it's spread so far across the country, people in wyoming and wisconsin are doin it too.



And sworn enemy. ALthough I think now they're trying to go metalcore





Silent Majority was the only long island hardcore band I ever got in to.




They're my favorite LIHC band. How about Crime in Stereo, Agent, Capital, Thieves and Assassins... All great bands.



The only real LIHC bands I know are the ones from the 90's and they're all long gone lol. In long island everybody retires from the scene after they turn 19 lol



Nahh. I like Silent Majority much better.


Mass hardcore can't be beat


AIM - CycoFishHead


I just got back into listening to LI/NYHC after listening to VOD for a while in the 90s and found Sick Of It All's 2006 album Death To Tyrants & Agnostic Front's 2007 album Warriors both very good.
Anyways back on topic, THIS IS HELL is a LI band that I found.
They're doing some pretty good stuff and have a new album (Misfortunes) coming out in Feb 2008.





Celebrity Murders is a band from Li they r pretty damn good.
