How Many People

How Many People Can Listen to Punk (Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, Rise Against, ect) and Modern Day hardcore (Alexisonfire, Atreyu, Underoath ect.) I'm just interested to see how many people do, I know I do, but I'm interested in hearing some voices on this.


I do!...but i think it determines how open minded you are to music...and if you actually play an instrument...
Lits of bands ive been in since '98(14 years old) to now(21 years old)

The Revs = '98 - '01: pop punk
Epitomy = '98 - '00: post-hardcore into pop punk
S.M.I. = '99 - '01: nu-metal
Globe Mills = '01 - '02: nu-metal
Nymphomercial = '01 - '05: pop punk into post-hardcore
Fenway = '02 - '03: punk!
Remedy = '02: screamo
C.J. & Bill = '03 - '05: electro/punk
Dreams Of Destruction = '03 - '05: goth punk
Bloody Little Brother = '04: post-hardcore
Ik Ben Ein Banana = '04 - '05: electro/noise
Project O-31 = '04 - '05: horror punk
Sean Joe Louis = '05: PUNK ROCK!
Handsome O'clock = '05 - current: post-hardcore
Wolfenswan = '05 - Current: electro/rap
Yo! The Little Fish = '06: indie/acoustic
Zip Zombi = '06 - Current: noise!
Labadie House = '06 - Current: death/grind metal
The Destination Failure = '06 - Current: alternative/emo
Fashionable Male = works: indie/emo
Raccoon. = works: doom/post-hardcore
Kersey = works: PUNK ROCK!
Bandana Powers! = works: blues/acoustic

so yeah...I listen to tons and tons and play tons and tons of different stuff...
Im not closed minded...but i know alot of people who are...and those are the "punk rock" the ones with mohawks and the boots and all that jazz...
Im more FUGAZI like...+ a whole lot of metal!


bad examples of modern day hardcore
they are far from hardcore they are fringe bollocks

but for modern hardcore i do listen to stuff like raised fist, f-minus, straight faced, five knuckle and good clean fun


Yeah good call, I was wrong, the stuff i listed above is more post-hardcore/metalcore.


yeah but thats what people these days think hardcore is...


It really depends on how you look at it. Bands that call themselves "hardcore" today sound nothing like the bands covered in the documentary or the original genre.

It's a completely different genre of music. It's like comparing the 80's hardcore bands to the original 70's punk bands. Unfortunately, you can't get much cooler sounding than "hardcore". That's why bands grab ahold of the label and wont let go rather than evolving into their own genre that than trying to duplicate what has already come and gone.


they used that label because the music was in fact hardcore sounding. the ramones, germs all sounded like pansies compared to the aggression of minor threat, ssd.

The Church of Samuel L. Jackson and Latter day Snakes


wow you couldn't be more off for what modern day hardcore is.




All those modern day hardcore bands you named...are not hardcore bands.



i can't believe people consider atreyu hardcore sad state of affairs some good modern bands are wisdom in chains and death before dishonor terrors good to thank god sick of it all and madball are still around
