Film buffs

I watched this last year at the manchester homeless film festival. Such a wonderful film, having lost a brother to herion overdose in 2005 and work in the drug field I found this film very amusing and doing so seemed to p**s off a few of the 'film buffs' who thought it was disgusting that I god forbid it laughed at the film.

I spoke to the writer Mark O' Hollaran after the show on his own , just to say how much I loved his film. He told me that a large amount of the Dublin drug community helped write the film to gain more authenticity... Something which you don't find with many film writers these days...

10/10 for me this film!


He told me that a large amount of the Dublin drug community helped write the film to gain more authenticity... Something which you don't find with many film writers these days...

If I remember correctly, there is someone credited as "addiction adviser"
