MovieChat Forums > Supernova (2005) Discussion > The Sun going Supernova is a myth!

The Sun going Supernova is a myth!

I really don't see how some People buy into this crap and believe that one day our Sun will go Supernova is ridiculous
This is one Joke of a Movie about the end of the world. The fact is the Sun doesn't have enough mass for spectacular ending at the end of its life. Rather at the end when our Sun evolves off of the Main Sequence about 5 Billion Years from now the Sun will become a Red Giant and will Swallow up Mercury,Venus,and Maybe even the Earth and eventually the Sun will eject out its outer layers to become a Planetary Nebula
with the Sun's Core becoming an Earth Sized white dwarf if anyone has seen the Ring Nebula that's exactly how our Sun will look like 10 billion years from now and Mankind may very well become extinct as species long before the Sun Swells into a Red Giant!


oh your a scientist now.. your so full of crap


Quite right.

I can only hope that some people were spared the experience of this horrible mess simply by seeing enough of the synopsis to notice something about '...the sun goes supernova', and thought 'Oh no it won't!' - and moved on to something with more scientific accuracy. 'The Sound of Music', for instance.

Yeah - damn, it was bad. I saw the hole, but wondered how they'd get out of it. I hadn't believed - at least to begin with - that their get-out would be something as pathetic as a + turning out to be a - (or whatever it was). Sad, really.

They could have bought some nice fireworks with all that money.




This is no more unrealistic than something like Armageddon.

Well, quite - and that was a load of bilge too.

There's nothing wrong with artistic license. Fiction doesn't have to be realistic, which is why fantasy is such fun, and quite capable of being Great Art. SF would be a great deal poorer for it if all stories had to be so utterly accurate as to be prophesy.

What is required is consistency. If you want to make a hard-science story about a scientific expedition to prevent the sun from 'going out', you better have a) a damn good explanation for how the sun is 'going out', and b) an equally sound mechanism for 'starting it up' again.

This film had neither. It was written by some dolt who actually thought it feasible that the sun really could 'go out', because he was too ignorant to realise that such things are known about - and equally feasible that humans could start it up again using that old favourite - bloody great nukes (as previously used to destroy Earth-intersecting comets, start the core rotating again, and prevent the next big Californian earthquake).

After the plot was decided on, they roped in a slightly star-struck physicist to provide a rationale for both the disaster and the rescue. He did a reasonable job, but none of it was in the movie. It was all post-facto justification for a pathetic storyline.

That storyline was born out of ignorance. Those who liked the thing were equally ignorant. The cure is education, and I hope Boyle gets some before he unleashes his tiny imagination again.

