MovieChat Forums > Supernova (2005) Discussion > lol....I'm sorry, but it's so stupid!

lol....I'm sorry, but it's so stupid!

I remember watching this with my cousin, and we laughed for hours after because of how bad it was! Such things as:
- The buildings exploding into neat little squares of confetti
- When the asteroids and flames and crap hit the earth, the explosions keep appearing in the same place
- The dumbass who went into his cabin to be killed by the asteroid, when every area around the cabin was not hit!
- Later we find out that because of some pointless mathmatical miscalculation, the world was not going to end! The old fool just killed himself for nothing.


I'm sorry, you're the one who's stupid.


Nah, he's the smart one. A smart premise but the creators clearly lost focused and wanted to turn it into a an action/explosion movie.


LOL! You have a point! The "movie" was completely stupid! I laughed hard after watching it! My favorite part was when they realised a + was in fact a - which meant the world was saved! Oh relayyy!? That must be the stupidest conclusion in history! LOL @ the movie again!


but u still sat down and watched it dont u have a life


Yeah. There's two kinds of B-movies in the world, the stupid, exciting kind and the stupid, dull kind, and this was way in the latter category. I had high hopes based on its B-movie pedigree: Lance Henriksen, Peter Fonda, Tia Carrere....but they couldn't help. I bought this with the Walter Hill Supernova for a bit of a trash double feature--go watch that instead, it's at least entertaining.


Watching this movie was the worst few hours of my life.

It was seriously awful.


what would you do if this really happened don't kid your self it can happen


I'd make sure I attended all the "Last chance to get laid before the end of the world parties" I could. Then I'd see if I could hitch a ride on the Space Shuttle to try and outrun the blast from the supernova just like Leslie Nielsen and Anne Francis did in Forbidden Planet. Though I doubt the Space Shuttle is up to that task. If I get stuck with three other male astronauts, I'm not sure I'd want to survive, anyway. It would probably be a rush to see the Earth go up in a blaze of glory.

Yeh, Supernova sucked in almost every way possible, but I thought Tia Carrerre looked rather sexy showing some cleavage in that suit she wore. She could handcuff herself to me any day right before the end of the world as we know it. That's a good way to go out with a big bang.


hey idiot the confetti you saw was at a wedding god your retarted
when the flare hit near the church... yes i'm watching it
and i'm into science it's interesting.. maybe not for you
know it all here but i am


WOW, Leo.

When you spout the drivel that you do:

hey idiot the confetti you saw was at a wedding god your retarted
when the flare hit near the church.. yes i'm watching it
and i'm into science it's interesting.. maybe not for you
know it all here but i am

You do not earn the right to call another person an idiot nor a retard!
WTF? What was your point with that nonsensical drivel anyway????? Especially that last sentence (if you can call it that)? You like science do ya? Well you should maybe take a class or two (or three) in English. I nominate you as the complete retard of this thread!


It doesn't matter if it was at the wedding or not, the confetti would have burned up not flew all over the place. I've been into science for 20 years and this movie was crap.
