An Invisible Nation

It's funny, the invisible Canadians were totally ignored by Americans (which is the interpretation of BBC) but Mexico is mentioned in accordence to current border disputes (the building of fortress America and the resulting Right of Mexicans to close their borders against desperate Americans).

BBC included the international response to the catastrophe by showing what would be broadcasted throughout the world, however the docudrama concentrated only on what would happan in America, which is appropriate but very Hollywood, given the fact that a good portion of Canada would have also been affected within the immediate zones (3). Canadians in Canada's western provinces would have also died within those first five days. The Canadian Prairies is one of the world's most important suppliers of wheat and other grains therefore there would also be immediate food shortage; of course the entire world would be affected eventually.

Fema concentrated on saving Americans ONLY which is expected; we can assume however that the clueless Canadians (and their politicians) in reality will not be alerted or briefed about Yellowstone's condition, as was depicted by the docudrama, but totally ignored.

It's just a thought.


Totally agree, the entire world is brought up except for Canada. Its very funny to be honest with you, I just watched it on the Discovery Channel and was wondering, wait a minute, what about Canada?

One of the guys at the control room did mention for 1 second that people were travelling north to Canada, but that was pretty much it.

Stupid Indeed, yet another American story by Hollywood.

However, other than that the movie wasnt half bad.


Odd, last time I checked this film was British, not American.

And in defence of America you do know that FEMA is American and that this film is based around the USGS, another American agency. It's easy to deduct that the film will concentrate solely on US efforts. It's good to know however faisal_bmw that if your country was devastated by the worst natural disaster in history you would spend vital resources that you can't afford trying to help a nation that wasn't as badly hit as your own.

Man, I have no problem with people hating America but atleast hate them for the right reasons and not for ignoring canada when a massive hole explodes in the middle of Colorado.


This was a British/American co-production between the BBC and the Discovery channel. Ironically, it was mostly shot in Canada with a large number of local actors in the cast.


As members of the British Commonwealth, I don't think the Canadians would have too much trouble finding places to go or finding help. Historically, Commonwealth nations have done very well due to the treaties that formed the idea of the cooperative.




Where would they all evacuate to? Are you saying that they would have all had planes to fly 31 million people out of the country? Where would they go as all of North America (which includes Canada) would have been the worst place to be when this happened.


White rule returns to South Africa perhaps?


Well, you had a Canadian director on this and two British writers. They felt mentioning Canada was not crucial to the story.
