Lesbian Implacations

Anyone else think this show is a little Gay,(Not in a bad way) The creator ,Judd Wininck, does a lot of work with comics and books with gay characters, and even won an awarad for, 2001 American Library Association Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Roundtable Nonfiction Honor books. In the comics Exiles he also has a lesbian character. and so do many other books of his also. When i watch this show a get a weird feeling between Jody and juniper. I'me just saying. I know that she's only 11 and "likes" a boy. But still after rewatching a few episodes, Jody i think really like Juniper.
Call me a freak if you want but im just thinking out of the box.


I don't know if calling the character "gay" would be a logical conclusion. When a girl or boy is eleven he or she will develop crushes on someone of the same sex, but still grow up "straight."

You could be right. Homosexual characters have been slipped into children's cartoons before and its just never been said outright. [excuse the pun] Something of a way to tell kids to be open-minded. A good example would be Richie "Gear" Foley from Static Shock. the shows creator has been quoted as saying that while it was never explicitly stated on the show, he always considered Richie as Gay.

"Roach Raid... Wasp & Hornet Raid... Rat Raid... HEY! Do you guys have Net Troll Raid?"


Even if i love this show i tottaly agree!
I mean its giving girls the wrong idea saying that its ok to like a guy and start going out the age of 11.
That really bugs me how girls are now starting to go out with guys at a very young age.

Jack Sparrow: Where's it gone? Where's the thump-thump?


I'd like to think Jody is lesbian I mean the name Jody sounds like a lesbian name. Plus I think she and June make a terrific couple I'm a Willow/Tara fan (from Buffy) so I guess that explains that.

They never said that about Richie in the series he was straight he liked Timezone (Nina), (sorta implied) Frieda, and Shebang. You could be thinking of Rick from the Static comics because his looks are what they modeled for Richie but his personality is original. But I think it would be interesting to have Richie be gay but I prefer him straight (it's hard enough to get used to Gear). I'd like to see the interview you read with that commented because I never read one like that.


Can't really say I've ever seen that kind of relationship forming. June seems to have only a liking for Marcus, and Jody just always seemed really peppy and a softy. She's into everything cute and cuddly, but I think this was meant to be a balance for Ophelia. Honestly, I can't think of any instances in the show that stress a more intimate relationship between the two, or imply that Jody has feelings for June. Jody's just peppy.


Suna isn't alone in her thinking. It would be interesting to see in a children's show. But it's probably just to set up the whole Jody is going to find out the truth...
