Swaziland cricket?

Did no-one on the set know the rules of cricket? Each time a wicket went down it appeared that one was added to the runs total. (Pity England weren't using that convention in the Ashes.)


I think it was more about showing the passing of time in an interesting way.


Agree. I think it was actually showing the year - 1969, then 1971....


It seemed weird to me as well. It would have made more sense to shows runs being scored instead of wickets falling, at least then it could have been consistent with the number on the scoreboard.

69 - 70 - 71 that's a lot of wickets to fall, even for England...


Oh, who cares? Somehow we beat Australia in the OneDay after losing to them a million times or so. What a great game. (or institution, never a mere "sport".) Are Swaziland in the World Cup?? (Scotland perhaps??)


Not only does it show the passing of time but I think that the whole cricket theme shows the class side of swaizland also becuase if u think of cricket back in the day it was more aimed at middle to upper class spectators.
