any sex scenes?

coudln't find anywhere to say, but i've seen it rated not allowed under 18 in some countries. i'm not sure if that's for the brutal scenes or if they are any sex scenes. if you've seen it, can you tell me if they exist and how bad they are


The rating is for the whole package -the brutality, the sex, but more importantly - the THEMES. This is a movie about somebody taking revenge on the porn industry, so obviously it requires a rating which reflects that. As far as sex goes, there isn't much - a little bit of blurry live-action stuff, and some fairly inconsequential shots of a pregnant Princess being filmed in a gangbang scene. There are no graphic pr0n shots though, mercifully.


thanx for the reply. i'm glad to hear that. i was worried because of the certification that it would contain lots of scenes and i didn't want to go, that being the case


But you do want to go, now that you've heard it's "only violence"?

So - for instance - a man being gutted in a movie is a-okay with you, but full frontal nudity is just crossing the goddamned line?


This seems to be the new mentality... violence is owkay, but something beautiful as making love can be, could be something bad to see? Thats even worse than being conservative...

Not that this movie features any of that beautiful love making or i want to say that porn is beautiful. seriously, some people have issues.


Yeah, some people do have getting all het up because someone expresses different moral standards to you regarding sex. Not everyone is comfortable with seeing graphic sex acts, it is after all a private and intimate act. Don't bite someone's head off and call them conservative like it's worse than being a homicidal maniac. The more porn becomes normal and acceptable the less intimate and precious the sex act becomes. Also, if every 'forbidden' thing is made acceptable and commonplace there will be nothing left for us to indulge in when we're feeling naughty. Just a thought.


You're not addressing his point. The point is that, and this applies especially to Americans, any degree of violence can be shown on screen and it is deemed acceptable for viewing. But show a body part or, heaven forfend, a depiction of a sexual act and the sky falls in.

To equate that with pornography is deliberately misleading and demonstrates the typical bait and switch of the conservative and fundamentalist right. Instead of you getting het up because of a bit of nudity perhaps you should consider where your priorities lead.
