J Horror Theatre

I saw the cases on Amazon for Kansen and Yogen, because since the advertising, cinema release, and DVD release here in Japan, I have been drooling uncontrolably. The posters and DVD cover are amazing! YET the R1 DVD has such a tacky, and "lowest common denominator" style cover. No finese. No sophistication at all. Dissapointed!

ALSO, I couldn't see any mention to the "J Horror Theatre" series, that this film is the first part of. Does the case in fact NOT have any mention of that? There are going to be 7 films in the series. I feel like buying the Japanese DVD (even though they have no subs), and then putting the R1 discs in the cases!


As for the R1 version of Kansen - I just rented this film at Blockbuster not more than 15 minutes ago. I know that when I picked up the cover to check the synopsis that there was some kind of logo that refers to "JHT" and it MAY have had "J Horror Theatre" listed as well. The problem is, since I've heard of JHT, it's possible that I only thought that I saw it because I knew it was supposed to be there.

You're right about the cover. I almost passed by it myself.

I lived in Japan in the 90s & bought the Japanese versions of Ringu & Ringu 2 so that I'd have their covers. I don't mind that there are no subtitles, but did have to purchase them in English once I moved home so that I could share the genre with my friends here.

I will try to remember to check out the cover when I return the movie & report back.


THanks for that info. The Japanese covers of the Jhorror Theatre films are just so classy! Why they didn't just sub them in Japan is beyond me .. but Geneon ALWAYS forget the subs .. even when they buy films that HAVE subs (ie Versus Ultimate).


The case does say "J Horror" on it ('Also from J-Horror - PREMONITION').


What other titles are being released with the J-Horror lable? Is Lions Gate releasing all of them?


The next film in the series will be "Rinne," by Ju-on director Takashi Shimizu. I have yet to find a trailer with subtitles, but it will be interresting to see if there can be life for Shimizu without his beloved Kayako. From what I hear, the DVD will be realeased in Japan in early January and will hit the states shortly after.
