
Okay, so this whole thing is about a symptom being contagous thru de mind n wateva so.....I don't get it!


The guilt they all felt for one reason or another "ate away" at them. I think Dr.Akai was not really a doctor but the burn patient who died and was haunting them. Yeah some of it didnt make sense (I still don't get how Dr. Akiba got into the locker at the end) but I thought it was a great horror flick, very creepy. The parts with the needles were especially cringe-worthy.


the virus was actually their own personal pain, for example, when the dr. akai ghost told that doctor he was imperfect as a human being, the doctor went back into the room and then died after seeing the hallucination of the patient who wanted to die.

Also, one of the nurses starts crying because the other nurse made fun of her and telling her that she couldnt use a syringe, this causes the virus to take hold and kill her, it's pretty much the same for the other doctors.

The stich person felt angry that the other guy told him he couldnt stitch, so he stitched up that doctor's stomach


so in other words, this supernatural virus can only affect you, only if, you're hiding something 'deep' (and very screwed up) and the way it infects you is through your subconscious whenever your state of being is either in tense or anxiety? hey, that's something new and unique. but I still think this is just an average movie, nothing more to it.


Thanx everybody! U r all good help!


O.K., I understood the movie as Akai was killing the dr's that were apart of killing him and covering it up! The suture guy was just a side story. There was no infection, it was a haunting. Akai drove them to kill themselves in the most horrible way to each of them, because they had dishonored him and his body by trying to lie about how he died! Also, I think he killed the Psych chick, because she interrupted his killing Akiba, who was the one that issued the orders in the first place. Akiba at the end was dying his worst death. Anybody here think I'm wrong?

"Get out of the Desert!"


Hm, that explanation makes plenty of sense...but waht was with the old woman and the kind with the mask.


Everyone is asking about the old woman and the kid with the mask. I just made a startling correlation "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me" Anyone else who has seen that will probably know what I mean. There was also an old woman and a kid with a mask in that! In that case they were figments of Laura Palmers imagination and showed up as "guides" from time to time. i think they do serve that purpose in Infection in that they give the viewer some insight into the nature of the virus. I dunno, just a weird analogy.....


Never saw Twin Peaks but just finished the movie. Interesting theory. It makes sense for the sole reason that nothing else could make sense out of the woman and kid's roles. They don't have an actual story, even at the end they just sort of exist in their roles. They do, however, serve as guides from time to time. Good call


the movie was really good actually...I put together the whole "your mind creates the color red" in the end when the apple was red then the slime/blood..the guilt I guess was eating them all alive..I didnt get the old lady that was in it, although she did make it pretty spooky running around acting strange.
So, the real question to me is, if it is all a metaphor for guilt eating you alive, then how come at the end, everyone who WAS eaten up by guilt looked like they had all been killed by the one doctor...
parts of it was confusing to me..I am no brain surgeon..but it was confusing a little..would be good to watch again....


The guilt was the theme in all of this and I think we are meant to think we are watching the affects of the guilt on each character when in actuality it really is just the one doctor who pretty much killed all of them. There was no actual disease involved, that's only the way they tell the story. The twist is exactly that the doctor really killed these people one way or another when you think he really was just watching it. Also, the stitch guy did kill the other doctor but that's sort of neither here nor there, just another example. Hope that helps.

~ MooVeeNator


That does help...thanks!!


Did anyone figure out that the kid was wearing a fox mask and that in Japanese mythology, foxes are trickters? =)

"I do not like people that overuse the Japanese word "baka!"
