MovieChat Forums > Kansen (2004) Discussion > how gory is this movie?

how gory is this movie?

I wanna see it real bad but how much gore is in this film?


Lots of green goo, but not much gore at all.


uh, except when the nurse boils her hands..... :)

or the diggin in used needles part ... since i worked in a hospital before that reaaaaally grossed me out.


If green were red, this film would be incredibly gory ... as it is, this film is mostly "Gooey", with infected people oozing green-jello-like slime all over the place.

That said, there is a fair amount of graphic material that is mostly hospital-themed, including one severe burn victim, and some bloody cutting and hypo-sticking.

Overall, it is much less gory than most films of this sort (unless you include the green goo).



I would say that there is no gore in this movie. The green ooze doesn't qualify as gore and the burned hands aren't that severe. The needles aren't gorey either, it's just a (very little) bit uneasy to see, because you can imagine what that would feel like.

But, no gore.


it's just a (very little) bit uneasy to see, because you can imagine what that would feel like.

No kidding...ugg...

"I do not like people that overuse the Japanese word "baka!"


Goo eh? I like goo.


Keep in mind, however, that the green would be seen as red if the colors weren't transposed :)


I would say it's the goriest j-horror movie i've seen. The only real gory part is at the beginning when they receive a teenaged patient who has a concussion and blood starts dripping out of his ears while talking to the nurse. A lot of it was a bit unsettling like the needles (which bothers a lot of people), the host oozing of that stuff...and you see an old man's foot bent in an odd way....that's about it really...
