MovieChat Forums > Junebug (2005) Discussion > A screwdriver and a wooden bird

A screwdriver and a wooden bird

Why at the very end of the movie George's father decides not to show a little wooden bird he had just carved out to Madeleine?
He enters the room evidently to show it to Madeleine, he sees her in an "unappropriate" position on the floor, trying to reach the screwdriver under the crib and he hides the bird in his pocket.
Then we see he gives it to his wife when George and Madeleine finally leave.
I can almost feel his motivation but I would be grateful to read others interpreting this scene.


sonya_kleiner wrote:

I can almost feel his motivation.
Yep. I think that we are in agreement.

I did write something earlier on that subject: 13117702

P. S. Me too, by the way.

P. P. S. The link seems to be behaving erratically -- it works correctly in preview but not after it has been posted -- but it should get you to the right thread, and the post that I'm referring to is the last one, at least right now.


thank you for the link - I was looking for similar topics on the board but couldn't find at first

yes, I think we had the same feelings over that episode

It was extremely interesting to find so many other different explanations.
Even completely opposite to mine!
that's why I liked this movie - so subtle and delicate, so much left for viewer's interpretation.
