MovieChat Forums > Junebug (2005) Discussion > She didn't wash her hands!!!!!

She didn't wash her hands!!!!!

Madeline used the restroom and she didn't wash her hands!!!!

And then she touched the painting... and the he touched her hands!


Other than that little tidbit the movie is FANTASTIC!!!!

"They're all mistakes, children. Glad I never was one."


I thought of that, too, but in some of those old houses, the plumbing is very primitive. Maybe there wasn't a sink. I thought it was gross that she didn't shut the door.

I'd have been trying to find some hand sanitizer if there wasn't a sink with soap.

I love Jesus, but I drink a little.


guess she has an 'open door' policy?

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


Joannakathryn wrote:

I thought it was gross that she didn't shut the door.
There was not a door to shut. Why would Wark need one? He lives there alone.
Maybe there wasn't a sink.
I believe that there is at most one sink in the house. I hate to think what the reaction from you and others would have been if Madeleine had washed her hands in the kitchen sink.
I'd have been trying to find some hand sanitizer if there wasn't a sink with soap.
I'm sure you would have, and I am sure that you carry hand sanitizer with you at all times. That attitude has produced children with far more allergies than previous generations had.

We don't know for sure what Madeleine was doing, but if it makes you feel better, let's assume that she was pissing, and little piss never hurt anyone.

Madeleine grew up in a variety of cultures, some of which were surely less obsessive compulsive about handwashing than many Americans are.


I didn't notice whether there was a door or not. I assumed there was. I'd never be able to go to the bathroom if there wasn't a door, or I'd have asked him to step outside. There are some things that need to be private, no matter which number it is.

There wouldn't have been anything wrong with washing her hands in the kitchen sink. Water and soap rinse off and don't hurt anything.

As a matter of fact, I DON'T carry hand sanitizer for just the reason you mention. I carry a small spray hand sanitizer bottle that I refill with water so I can rinse my hands if necessary. I don't have allergies and neither does my son.

I'm of the opinion that we don't eat enough dirt in this country--good clean dirt, though.

Colds and flu spread more through shaking hands than by kissing, so I think compulsive hand-washing can be a good thing--just use plain old soap, not anti-bacterial stuff.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


Joannakathryn wrote:

Why so snarky?
Well, because you wrote:
I'd have been trying to find some hand sanitizer if there wasn't a sink with soap.
as if a drop of urine or a little secretion was such a desperate matter that you would have to sanitize your hand even under the unusual circumstances of Wark's house. That seems to me to call for at least "snark."

In a different movie with a different Madeleine, the woman searching Wark's home for hand sanitizer would be hilarious.

That Madeleine continues to talk to Wark while she goes to the bathroom without any embarrassment says a certain amount about her, about her multicultural background, about her comfort with normal bodily functions, and about her relationship with Wark and her acceptance of his culture.
I'd never be able to go to the bathroom if there wasn't a door, or I'd have asked him to step outside.
That says something about you -- and thank you for sharing -- but it has absolutely nothing to do with the movie.
I'm of the opinion that we don't eat enough dirt in this country--good clean dirt, though.
So, you approve of eating "good clean dirt" -- do you mean dirt that is been sterilized because without that no dirt is free of any number of microorganisms -- but you have to sanitize your hand after touching your genital area while urinating?


Either a) you're really flexible b) you're hung like John Holmes c) you've got a strong set of olfactory glands or d) a really helpful and understanding girlfriend

"You've got me? Who's got you?"







The sad part is...i noticed what both of you guys mentioned and was totally grossed out. Especially about Ashley masturbating and falling asleep right was...nasty. But moreso by Madeline peeing and not washing her hands. Ugh!

I take a little Chigurh in my coffee.


Especially about Ashley masturbating and falling asleep right was...nasty.
So are you saying that you immediately jump out of bed and wash your hands after you have sex/masturbate? You never fall asleep in your lover's arms without disinfecting first? Or are you even old enough to have sex????

Gonna revise your Levi's with physical harm, put divots in the rivets with my physical arm.


Yes. Natural bodily functions. How appalling.

My DVDs:


Um...I'm I think I'm old enough to have sex. Anyway, uh, actually, yeah. Nothing tops off an orgasm (by any means) like a cigarette and a shower. Sorry if you think it's odd to want to clean up after getting dirty but...I don't.

And to the last poster, no one is saying masturbation or urination is gross, yes, we all do at least one of those, but if you pee, wipe and get on with your're skipping a step, and that's nasty.

"Adultery makes a party go such a swing!" Naomi——Skins.


I agree, one should clean up one's pee. She didn't pee.

My DVDs:


Rolling over and going to sleep is not at all disgusting to me. Smoking cigarettes *IS* disgusting to me (although I realize that's just my opinion).
How do you keep it lit in the shower, by the way?


Smoke first, shower second.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


I agree with you, tomhenehan..Cigarettes are disgusting. I'm also wondering how the genius keeps the cigarette lit up in the shower...sounds very logical. O_o


Especially about Ashley masturbating and falling asleep right was...nasty.

I didn't find it nasty. She was probably masturbating to GET to sleep. It probably was the only sex she'd had in ages I find nothing disgusting about the natural secretions of a healthy young woman.

I found it a poignant scene. She was so lonely in her marriage, and felt sad as she listened to her husband and Madeleine talking in the kitchen.

I've never jumped up to shower right after sex, and no one I've ever been with has. There is plenty of time to do that later.

Honour thy parents. They were hip to the groove too once you know.


