Porno vs, say, alcohol

Just out of curiousity, I've looked up a few pornostars on the IMDb, and there's always someone from the moral police posting about how sex is evil and amoral and incites violence and blah blah blah...

And in this docu you have those nerdy white guys in their thick black glasses and southern accents talking about how they think porno is a greater threat than addictive drugs, and it got me thinking.

What do you think has a more negative impact on our society (in regaurd to violence): porn or alcohol. The feminists were the ones that really sort of pee'd me off, because you'd think they'd fight for the right to be able to do a porno film if they wanted to (because if men said they can't I bet they would), but what true facts can we attribute to porno as being detrimental to society that we can't attribute to something legal and widespread like alcohol? (not that I'm totally against alcohol or anything)

If you're old enough, you can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes (things that can kill you and others) then you should be able to watch porno if you want (although this is my same argument for weed, too). Aspirin has directly killed more people than porno.

If you believe porno is evil and wrong and should be banned, then you might as well feel the same way about alcohol, since it's been responsible for more deaths and probably led to more acts of sex throughout history than porno could ever hope to.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


A LOT of the people who have posted about how awful porn is do feel the same way about alcohol. But fortunately we recognize in the U.S. that these people are fascists and nuts for the most part, and they are ignored or are fodder for jokes. Freedom for as much vice as possible is ideal. Gambling, sex, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, fine cigars, decadent food, ect ect.....

Alcohol is absolutely more destructive than porn. No question. Directly, alcohol causes death to about 10,000 people a year in the U.S. Then factor in all the problems from drunk driving, and violence that occurs linked to alcohol. But nevertheless, we take the view in this country that you have to take the good with the bad, and the freedom with the few nasty side effects. In other words, those who are hurt by alcohol are a negligible amount of people in the scheme of things. It's cold, but it's reality.

The only people hurt by porn are the addicts. I'm not talking about porn + prostitution or other things, just porn. And what exactly is the worst thing that happens to a porn addict? You blow all your money on the stuff and you lose your job? You rub yourself so hard you need to have your unit amputated??? You can't compare this to alcohol.

"Nobody ever died from an overdose of pornography."
--Bill Margold
