MovieChat Forums > Inside Deep Throat (2005) Discussion > WHAT IS DEEP THROAT AND WHY IS IT SO POP...


Im a pretty young kid, and i know your wondering why im even posting here, but i was just curious as to why Deep Throat is so popular and profittable. Isn't just a porno? What's so special about it?


"Deep Throat" changed the world. Beyond that you'll have to wait until you're 18 to learn more.


Unlike most porn, Deep Throat was marketed to a mainstream audience, and showed in some mainstream theaters, not just the porn-only theaters that disappeared when porn switched to videotape (and later to DVD). The movie had a slight hint of a plot, relating to a fictional medical condition that allowed the main character to enjoy only certain sorts of sex acts, the ones featured in the movie.

Another thing that was special about Deep Throat is that a famous political scandal known as Watergate had an informant who went by the code name "Deep Throat". For decades the identity of that Watergate informant was kept secret, until a year or two ago when he identified himself as Mark Felt, at the time a high-ranking FBI official. Any time a political scandal was mentioned, there was a pretty good chance that Watergate would be mentioned also, and any time Watergate was mentioned there was a decent chance that the informant Deep Throat would be mentioned. The frequent mention in the news of the informant amounted to free publicity for the movie.
