getaway 3 (if it happens)

all the locations have been the same apart from holborn tube but i would preferre if every station would be open in free roaming, anyway on the 3rd game if it happens where would u think map should stretch to? i personally would like the map stretch to finchley, notting hill, portobello road, where else oh yeh BRICK LANE etc raid the market lol


I don't think they should expand the map at all. There are areas in there now that I've only been to in Free Roaming modes on both games. What it needs is more streets - main streets, side streets, alleys, tunnels. And those buildings they keep forgetting about (Tower 42, London Bridge Hospital, etc.). It also needs to be updated. Areas that were building sites when they made The Getaway (such as around St. Paul's Cathedral) were still building sites in Black Monday even though they've been finished in real life.

The game needs to be longer, with more ways to accomplish missions. What's the point of having a free-roaming London when you're just being directed from one location to the next? The interiors need to be larger and have multiple pathways rather than just funneling you one way.

The controls should be more responsive, with complete camera control.

I love both the games, but it really needs an overhaul before the next one or it's going to be a joke. Black Monday had two years of work put into it and what did we go? A game that can be finished in eight hours, dull extras and about a dozen more streets than the original. And they still didn't include the interiors in the free roaming mode.

I think they should take their time and have it out for the launch of the PlayStation 3.



I agree with everything you said. Team SOHO need to make significant improvements for Getaway 3 or the franchise will be in trouble. I like both games. The first one is a classic in my book.

The second game is good, but it should have been much better since it was a sequel. I own the first one and may buy the second one if the price drops.


Getaway 3
I have to say that the game was not that bad. I own the first game and I recently just bought the second installment. After knowing the story from the first game and continuing another story in the second. I have to admit that the second game adds some new elements that the first did not have. Better weapons, better cars and sounds. I am quite pleased with second game. For a third installment, I believe that the Soho team will produce a third. When people compare the GTA games to the Getaway franchise, their comparing apples and oranges. They are not the same kind of games. Since I own all the GTA games and Getaway sequels, I enjoy playing them both. But the Getaway games give more of a challenge. I believe it depends on the individual’s standpoints on the game, but I thought the game was pretty amazing to say the least. I am pretty shore that the Soho team will make a third game but I don’t believe they will change old habits from the first two.


i'd just like to say the second game was fantastic aside from being a little short, my personal favorite addition was sam, i know if you look at the list of games for the PS3 that the getaway 3 is on it and will be released when PS3 comes out, i don't know if anyone else would agree but i'd like to see a return of eddy and sam in 3 i think it would be great to see what happens after monday



"But the Getaway games give more of a challenge."

GTA: San Andreas took me about two weeks to finish. And that was just the mains story missions. I still have lots and lots to do.

The Getaway: Black Monday took me two sessions, a total of no more than eight hours, to finish.

I'd hardly call that a challenge.

Aside from the annoying stealth missions, I got through every bit on my first attempt.



the cars should be like they were in the first getaway (black monday is dull when you drive and put on the brakes.. the car stops so slowly.) and there should be a mall open in free roam.

AND free roam means FREE ROAM. I don't like roaming around and then getting the police on my tail. I loved the black monday where you had Mitch in free roam cause he never had any fuss with the police.. but it was kinda dull cause he couldn't box people and break their necks. lol.

(and the cars sucked)

more iffy alleys to check out. I love exploring the construction areas by foot (and sometimes car) but most of the places are locked and stuff. ;_;

all in all, I love the getaway games..

I do think it's smart to wait for PS3 but... I can't afford it. We've only had our PS New Edition for like a year. :\


of The Getaway 3 and what it will look like on the PS3 if anyone wants to look at it or hasn't seen it before:

Also, i have to agree with the points made. I love the first instalment of The Getaway, the realism, the visuals and the storyline made a classic game, yet the second was a massive disappointment. And criticism that must be applied to both games is that the painstaking detail taken on by Team Soho is wasted, as the free roam mode and game was a whole doesn't use it as effectively as the Grand Theft Auto franchise. The game is more realistic and more cinematic, but they need to offer a different choice of missions separate from the storyline, the idea of performing different missions as rival gangs just for entertainment seems to me like one that would appeal to fans of the game. Furthermore, the style of free roam or the storlyine needs to incorporate a GTA style where you can voyage around the city and admire the quality of the game through the opportunity of walking around different building and performing missions around the city. I hope the game is as impressive as it looks in the video, and i hope that they can match GTA in its entertainment value, as i see it as a superior game visually and technically.

Listen to The Smiths


How is the second a disappointment? It wasn't really a bad game at all. It wasn't following the first game in terms of storyline like most games do, but that doesn't make it a bad game. But yeah, hope the next one is good and that is has MORE than just 20 missions. A lot more. A game of less than two dozen missions is too short.


i adore these games they are brilliant, i just found out that the getaway 3 will deal with a disturbed hitman contract killer pleading for freedom
