What's the plot?

Anyone know?

"Kids, don't buy drugs. Become a pop star and I'll give them to you for FREE!"


Everyear they do a film (a comedy) about some people that go somewhere at Christmas, last year it was India (Natale in India) and the year before it was Egypt (Natle sul Nilo). It's in Roman slang (not too thick at all) and it's a very funny family film. This year it's prolly gonna suck as it's called 'Christmas In Love' and it's in Switzerland..meh


There is NO plot. Thats just the point. Its ultimate "trash de trash" provincial-itaized slapstick humour tailored for the very very low-brow cultural masses. But they rake in about 30 mil a year. Tells allot about the present italian demographic, doesnt it?
