Loved the ending

I thought it was a perfect ending. Give the audience just enough to let their imaginations take over where things go next.

I particularly liked the "morning after" scenes with Beagle and Georgia waking up in the cabin. Both of the characters giving subtle smiles indicating their happiness to be there (especially Beagle when he turned his back to Georgia getting dressed).

Then I liked the humorous banter between the three "bachelors" trying to operate the stove, segueing into the old home-video of the family with the mother Ceci.

Honestly I don't understand those who think the end was crap. It tied up all the loose ends it needed to, and let the rest be determined by you, the viewer. After all, haven't you guys ever seen The Return of the King? There IS such a thing as too much of an ending


I liked the ending, not every movie is abt a problem being solved or trouble being ended
it is just a period of time in their lives we got to see, no need for an end.

"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"
