
God, I can't get over how BAD this movie was! The acting was TERRIBLE! The story line was cheesy too! There were a lot of things copied from the first one! Those kids annoyed the hell out of me too. Especially Johnnie Smalls and Tarquell. And what the hell was with "The Retriever"? That's one ugly kid. He talks like he's mentally retarded. The Sandlot was a classic! How dare they make this TRASH! What a pile of CRAP!!!

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I agree, it added it little things like the retriever to make it not seem like a COMPLETE copy of the first movie. Not to mention he came into the story with hardly any background completely randomly. Towards the end of the movie it almost seems like the director had given up, it gets worse as it goes on. By far the worst movie I've ever seen.


I hated this one more than Fight Club! (And that's saying something...)


Finally, someone is making sense. This show is the crap of the century. Awful actors and "What the hell is ______!" that the fat loser says every other sentence is about to drive me up the wall!



well after reading your coments i know now not to tune it cuz i 2 loved the first and the 2nd one doesn't sound too apealing so i think i'll just save my energy and put it to somthing worthy:)




Ya, I'm a girl too, and I have to say, The Sandlot 1 is probably one of the best movies ever..This second one is just ridiculous. They basically just copied the second one and added a girl. Instead of a baseball signed by Babe Ruth, it was a Rocket Ship...Wooo..I mean, there are even some of the same lines, camera angles...ridiculous..If it ain't broke..don't fix it. I mean, to this day, I STILL quote the first one..You just can't get much better than that and shouldn't try to.



"And girls pitching is slower than boys piching. "
omg..how like..stupid of you to say..
i hate to tell you not every girl throws like a girl..
ive been clocked at same speed throwing as most of the men on the baseball teamm..girls and throw like guys..so stuff it.. :D


Girls pitching is equal to boys pitching, and that's just it. end of story. why the hell are people so hung up on this one topic when you're supposed to be talking about this sucky-yet-highly-addicting movie. (i could take you all in the extreme sport of Wiffle ball anyways, so you shouldn't be talking ;) )

(that was a JOKE people, so don't get all defensive about THAT now...but i wasn't kidding about me kicking your sorry butts at wiffle ball ;) )


i will beat you so badly in wiffle ball youll think i literally ended your life


U know i gotta admit as dumb and pointless as this movie was, i actually enjoyed it a bit. Though it was frikin stupid, like earlier you mentioned the retriever. Where the hell did he come from??? Anyways if u loved the first one, chances are you'll either laugh at this one or just flat out hate it. But in my opinion its not a bad way to spend an hour and 45 minutes of your life.


The movie sucked, I'll admit, but the fact that he threw OFF the PF Flyers and threw on the nike's.... man what the hell? PF Flyers are the classic shoes, and he goes and wastes them on Nike. That's just one word... wrong.


Tigger patches, you are an idiot. Girls do not throw faster than boys and 35 to 40 is slow ass *beep* A lil 4th grader could throw that fast. Also, no softball pitcher is gonna strike out a pro mlb player. Seriously if your gonna post on imdb, don't post like an idiot. Im not shovanist, but ur just bein a moron.



The only kind of natural inequalities that exist between males and females are the unequal TENDANCIES that result from simple physical differences, such as the presence of breasts the girls have or the larger bone structure that males often have. While the female breasts may hinder mobility somewhat, it is more than made up for with their thinner and more aerodynamic bone structure. Females also have greater flexibility (which may be hard to control at first, but effective once they learn to use it fully). So if you have a male and female with equal muscle strength, the female is actually likely to throw harder and move better. Problem is that most females don't develop as much strength or learn to gain enough control over their flexibility.




I agree, the first was so much better. They just copied the same lines and stuff from the first.


ok...ill admit the first was awesome. i love that movie it is the best!!! j/k but it tis a classic just the other day me and my friends were quoting lines from it.ok now about the second....it wasnt exactly the highlight of my life but for some odd reason i couldnt stop watching it....yea it was corny and NOT funny....but something drew me to it.. and i think i knew what it was!!! the boy who played david durango(max lloyd jones) he has the most gorgeous eyes ever and he is really hot!!! hell yea





> Benny wouldve tapped that sweet a$$ the first day on the block.

Nah, he would have warmed up to her a little first. Probably would have involved kissing away a boo boo or something. I say they would have gotten busy about midway through. It's usually around there that most romatic interests start reaching their peak...... if ya know what I mean....


Get a grip.

We all know that this sequel should not be held in comparison with the first. The first has excellent narrating, and the acting was on point. Inspite of the actors ages. Sandlot 2 was just a bad copy. It left a bad taste for the movie. The original Sandlot's timing could not have been anymore perfect. The 90's was a perfect era for young teen movies. The Sandlot 2 failed to capture the essence the original made more than 10 years ago. And I mean, if you wait over 10 years to make a sequel, why couldn't you adopt the same principles with the new one? I couldn't sit for more than 5 minutes in this film. It was as if I was forced to swallow glass, that's how unbearable it was. Even the poor attempts of being politically correct by adding girls in this film was another mistake. Not that I'm being sexist. But even if the girls couldn't pull it off, why even waste good film? The kids seemed so unenthusiastic and so uninspired that it was sickening. It's an insult to say the least. Bad move, period.



Introducing the same plot with these actors who were barely toddlers when the Sandlot was released is another insult. The new generation will simply not appreciate the story. Especially the audience. Who have no clue what they're watching. What's going to confuse the younger viewers the most is revealing the archives in reference to the story. If the original cast was casted in this film for clarity, then i'd give it +10 points for clarity. Other than that don't waste your viewing pleasure on this recycled filth. It'll make you feel resentful.I nearly cried like a little girl again after seeing mike vitar (benjamin franklin rodriguez.) Damn u people!



yea i agree with the first words spoken, this movie flat out sux!!! nd fight club was a good movie. oh, nd therman merman shouldnt have been in this movie.....it just wasnt his part


The Retriever was the directors son. hahaha, thats why he was even in the movie


it was evil.just unholy!and i think they should all rot.but dont worry!they didnt make any money in fact!they over turned and went into the red during productions and had to compensate by redirecting sales from the first Sandlot DVD.and tv spots via advertisements.LAME.but that one chick was HOT...or will be ;)




i havent even seen it and i have absolutely no doubt that you are right
