The blood *spoiler*

When Ice is injected with the infected blood in prison, does he know it’s going to kill him? I know Dandy said on the phone that he did know and wanted to do it but he looked kind of surprised when he started coughing up blood. If the reason was purely to get him to a hospital where he could easily escape from why didn’t they infect him with something that could be cured? What did they actually infect him with?

The Truth Is A Virus


Yes, he knew that the blood was infected. His friend Dandy says that clearly with the doctor Meinardi (in the italian dubbing, at least). The situation you report is even more strange in the book... where Ici don't split blood and don't die at the end (after years)! In a lot of situations book and movie are not only different, but opposite! But this is another (sad) story... Bye. Stefano.


I watched this movie and didn't understand this either. I'm wondering too what exactly the infected blood was; AIDS, tuberculosis? I'm thinking TB but I don't think TB acts that fast neither does AIDS.


To me it seemed like he knew he was infected as it was a guarantee of getting out of jail to see the woman he loved but lied to Roberta in the hospital when in the wheelchair so she wouldn't worry etc.

Then when he realised he couldn't stand to slowly rot away in front of her for the rest of the time they had he then left hoping she could move on.
