Serious question

Why is the Media so Liberal? While we are at it, why is the Entertainment world so Liberal also?

Serious response only please. I really want to know why.

"I'm a creepy janitor. I'm suppose to be here." Cuba Gooding Jr. - HAROLD


I'll try to answer that. First question--do you really feel the media is liberal? Think about it. If the media is truly liberal, why have they been (relatively) soft on GWB and the Iraq war? Why no daily posts on the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post of U.S. troop casualty totals, or total number of U.S. troops maimed? Or total number of innocent Iraqi casualties? Why are there no Woodward and Bernsteins investigating the hell out of the GWB Administration and the lies, cover ups and corruption that got us into the Iraq quagmire? Why no exposure of the special interest groups and lobbying groups (PNAC and AIPAC) that pushed for not only an attack on Iraq, but continue to push for American attacks on other enemies of Israel (Iran and Syria), at any cost (financial or U.S. troop?) Why has no photojournalist defied Bush's fascist law--"no photographs of caskets coming back from Iraq at Dover AFB?" Bush and his cronies do not want to "depress" Americans, after all. Finally, no media outlet can be called "liberal" if they are beholden to corporate interests (NBC 80% owned by GE for example). The truth will be muzzled. All reporting will be filtered. For true "fair and balanced" news, consult BBC. Even NPR and PBS, which are not accountable to corporate interests, seem to be accountable to traitorous special interest groups like AIPAC, and therefore easy on GWB, the Iraq war and the special interest stronghold.

The media is "liberal" on topics unrelated to Iraq and the middle east---gay rights, immigration, abortion. But calling the general media "liberal" is like calling Joe Lieberman liberal--it's an untruth.

Second question about the entertainment industry--I guess you missed the interview with Britney Spears where she declared we should "just trust Bush and do everything he says" (while she snaps her bubble gum). If you're referring to actors like George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Robert Redford, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and musicians like Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp and Sheryl Crow, they should all be given awards for using their exposure and wealth to get the message out and convince seemingly apathetic Americans what is really going on. Examine and research the reasons why we invaded Iraq. Examine what happened on 9/11 (several conspiracy theories exist, and nearly all hold some degree of validity). Research why the GWB administration seems to be untouchable. Research why Pelosi said "impeachment is off the table."

If the Dems had pulled off a fraction of what the Neocons have done over the past eight years, they'd all be hanging from the gallows pole by now.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


Aside from any labels and biases I think it comes down to a general stereotype. In general I think people in the movie (or any art) industry for that matter are more of the "creative" type. Usually this coincides with the left vs. right brain dichotomy which dictates that right brained people are more creative and caring while less logical, calculating and practical. The right brain thinkers tend to fit the "liberal" mode because of the emotion over rational thought mantra. However this is an extreme over generalization and not a set rule for everyone.

I personally think it is absolutely absurd to discuss a bias in the media as being liberal because all major media is owned by the same few companies which are ran by extremely conservative people for the most part. All major media is there to make money at the expense of education or decency. Furthermore you can very easily own both sides of the arguments to further perpetuate whatever agenda you feel like nurturing at the time.

Besides all of this is the point of this movie which is to open everyone’s eyes about the changing landscape of news reporting. It is no longer about education and teaching the truth. It is now about controlling the ideas the masses have rather than letting them formulate their own ideas. The most pertinent "real time" situation I can give an example of regarding this is what is happening with Ron Paul. In two separate straw polls he finished second yet on CNN or Fox News he was not mentioned the next day. In fact after the Florida debates they only mentioned Herman Cain's results because he came out of nowhere. They also mentioned Rick Perry and Romney. They even reported them as being 3rd and 4th but never mentioned who was in 2nd! For the duration of the primary election campaign Ron Paul will not be mentioned and the major amount of voters who make their decisions based off of TV Commercials and stories will make an uneducated decision based from what their respective media choice told them to do. Not overtly but subliminally.
