Whaa?? Rupert Murdoch Married a Chinese Homewrecker???

They can't make this sh*t up. Murdoch left his old wife for a Chinese ho who had an affair with the dad of her host family when she was studying in the US, in order to get a greencard. She then cheated on him with someone richer in order to marry up. Then she cheated on that guy with Rupert, who was also cheating on his wife with her. Mrs. Murdoch better not ever meet Bill Gates or it's so long old Rupert. Anyone sense the irony in that he wants his network to promote "family values"?


Don't you know that family values don't apply to the conservatives who preach about them? They only apply to everyone else.


And here I thought all Conservatives (especially Murdoch) were wholesome and pure Christians who followed the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife... oops scratch that one.
