
I always knew he was a narrow minded SOB, but after seeing some more of his airtime I see his blatantly ignorant 'interviews' confirm his undisputed championship title of America's heavyweight douchebag.

I feel bad for those who watch fox and feed off his stupidity..

Ask why, as$hole.
I am Shiva, the God of death.


He's probably the worst commentator(Not even a journalist) I've ever seen. He is so one-sided I don't know if he can even sit down without falling over. "I only said Shut up once in my 6 years" haha yeah right!


Bill O'Reilly is a f|_|cking DICK.


I was reading O'Reilly the other day, and he was crediting Fox News with Obama's sagging poll ratings (of course, he'd found the lowest poll from lowest day of the last week). Well, nobody's poll numbers are high right now (the Republicans are at 25 percent), but that's because things are going badly, and no one needs Fox News to tell them that.

I don't think people that actually voted for Obama in 2008 sit around watching Fox News too much. What bothers me more is how they seem to make the people who are ALREADY anti-Obama practically foam at the mouth with slanted reporting and outright lies. I mean, America has not radically changed since Obama took office. Things were going bad in Bush's last years and they're still going bad. But it's rare to hear anyone who is opposed to things like "Obamacare" articulate any rational reason--it's mostly just irrational hysteria and foaming at the mouth about "socialism", the govt., etc.

I think the biggest problem in this country is a complete lack of pragmatic bi-partisanship, and Fox News(and, to be fair, their left-wing equivalent MSNBC) are doing a tremendous disservice by continually pouring poisin into the well.


Anyone who thinks Bill O'Reilly is the worst person ever needs to watch the guy who comes on after him. Sean Hannity is so much more biased, more one sided, and more unpleasant to watch than O'Reilly is.

At least that's what I think...


I don't watch Fox news since I don't even have cable, but I have seen some of Bill O' Reilly's talking points on Hulu. I no longer watch them however, because I now consider him to be a liberal posing as a conservative. But he is just not liberal enough for the far left, evidently.

This is my signature: http://jdlarsenmn.tripod.com/cosmos_creator.htm
