check the ratings...

if all this is sooo true, then why do people continue to watch FNC more than any other news channel!

a quick look at the ratings reveal that the top FOUR OR FIVE shows everynight are on FNC!


With a state run news channel like fox it's really easy to alter numbers.


well you certainly are misinformed are't you!

FNC is not state run, but in fact part of a private media enterprise owned by Rupert Murdoch (a native australian by the way)


With a republican controlled congress,senate, and the presidancy. And a news channel that runs republican propaganda 24/7 it's state run. A private media enterprise who's job is to run state-controlled news. They could care less which country it is as long as they are fulufilling thier bottom line.


you are clueless...

first off, the ratings come from a third part, neither FNC nor the gov't conducts ratings surveys of TV, Nielsen does, and if you want to call that state-run, then i don't know what to tell you, you are delusional


No I'm a realist I know propaganda when I see it. A single person can alter ratings you see this all time with parental watchdog groups who complain to the FCC one single person can send thousands of complaints at a time. Just like one person can easily write an x amount of people who watch what program on FNC. They can minpulating the veiwer(And trust me there are naive people in the world) into thinking they are the only source for news. FNC as well as Rupert Murdoch have political pull even though Mr Murdoch is Austrialin he is considered a lobbyist and FNC a special intrest group. And the GOP love special intrest groups as well as lobbyist's.Becaues Mr Murdoch has money lots of money ask Jack Abramoff you can buy just about anyone in Washington. And if you can buy anyone in Washington being Democrat/Republican then you can certainly buy ratings for your news program.

Rupert Murdoch has made several large contributions to the GOP and George Bush. It's no more fair and balanced than Air America Radio. A major news outlet such as Fox News who contributes to the GOP tells their own guest's to shut up if they don't agree with their views. And if their main contributer is Newt Gingrich then it is state run because their is no dissent. Alan Colms and the so called Democratic side of an Issue don't make me throw up. Alan Colms cleans Rupert Murdoch's private bathroom and has to make coffee for all the FNC employes for god's sake. And the Democratic side of the issue is always being drowned out by the Republican side and the host. Thats ganging up on somebody that dosen't agree with you fair and balanced my ass. Why do you think republican congressmen,senator's,Dick Cheney and all the other Bush brown noses always end up on FNC?. Because FNC continues to kiss their ass on every issue instead of challenging a debate.Sean Hannity during one of their programs bashed Clinton and called him a war criminal for bombing Kosovo to stop a genocide. Bush Invades Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-qeada Sean accused the opposing member of being a traitor and being un-patriotic That's fair and balanced.

Other shows I have to talk about "WAR STORIES WITH OLIVER NORTH" A man convicted of selling weapons to Iran and commiting high treason gets a show talking about what every hawkish repub wants to hear war. The only news programs that glorify war are those that are state run. North Korea,China,Iran, glorify's their wars and revolutions and they have state run news programs.Iraq has American controlled television who plant false news story and distribute propaganda. Who is the main conspirator of planting false stories the Bush Adminstration and who is the biggest donor to that adminstration thats right Rupert Murdoch and FNC.

FNC could care less about rateings or the average American all they care about is they push their agenda and bury those who don't buy into it. the evidence is overwhelming to back up the theory that FNC is state run or prove me wrong otherwise.


now i am convinced you are delusional, or at least don't know the definetion of "state-run"...

just because the owner is a big donor, doesn't make it state run. if that is true, then most of the companies in america would be "state-run", according to your defintion..

and i also do not see how rupert murdoch controls the independent Nielsen Ratings company, which is neither owned by him or by the government (and if my memory serves me correctly, i tihnk its a european company)...

and just because a network as one or two shows with people who's viewpoints you don't agree with it or who you think are rude, STILL does not make it state-run...

until you can show me the line on the government's budget that says "subsidies for FNC" all of you points are moot!


- now i am convinced you are delusional, or at least don't know the definetion of "state-run"...

It seems fairy obvious he meant De facto state-run.

- and i also do not see how rupert murdoch controls the independent Nielsen Ratings company, which is neither owned by him or by the government (and if my memory serves me correctly, i tihnk its a european company)...

Nielsen media research is an american company owned by what is technically a Dutch conglomerate (it has heahquarters both in The US and the Netherlands)


Rupert Murdoch is an American citizen. While he was born in Australia, he did not keep Australian citizenship and has not been a citizen of Australia for over 30 years


still irrelevant to the fruitcake above me's argument


foxes rating have drop 21% for the top shows. if you are going to make a point make sure you have the correct information. check it out here


Too late FNC has already brianwashed you.


i never said anything about ratings growth or decline, i simply stated what the TOP-rated shows were, and yes FNC still ha sthe top three or four, so maybe YOU should pay attention to what someone said before commenting! thanks you, that is all


The ratings numbers that are published are not necessarily that accurate. They are based on an estimated average number of viewers every 15 minutes -- these are the CUME numbers. The Nielsens keep a second set of numbers that they provide to companies. These numbers track viewership over a shorter period of time 3-5 minutes. These numbers determine how much companies will be willing to pay for a show. These numbers vary considerably throughout the fifteen minute period. Companies pay more to advertise on CNN, than they do on Fox or MSNBC during all time periods.



The same reason that Cletus got re-elected... Fox news is self-serving and easy to digest... DId you even watch this film?

I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!


I know alot of people that watch FNC because they find it funny, not because they find it informative. Anyone that thinks FNC is "Fair and Balanced" is kidding themselves. I personally don't care if they are a mouthpiece for conservative politics, I am a moderate with some conservative views, I just don't like that they won't own up to it


Exactly... and it cracks me up when the fox news watchers start criticizing CNN for being biased against the prez... pot calling the kettle black

I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!


I doubt that many Fox News defenders on this board have seen the movie. This film proves that the VP of News at Fox (John Moody) instructs his employees on how to spin the news of the day. This proof consists of the so-called "Moody Memos" presented in the film.

Anyone can have the opinion that other news networks are biased as well. But they can't show the kind of proof that Outfoxed shows.


That's true... It makes a pretty rock solid argument!

I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!



The first five words of your post make the rest of it pointless. How can you have an opinion on how fair a documentary's treatment of a subject is when you have never even seen the movie?!? You have no idea! How can you have an opinion on something that you don't even know what the documentary says? You can't! It makes no sense!

I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!


Yeah and Bill O'Reiley won a peabody award. Funny thing about state-run television they called for Clintons execution over an extra marital affair. But the poster child for the mentaly handicapped G.W.Bush continues commiting acts of high treason for leaking classified Info to discredit any opponets calls for the minister of propaganda Karl (joesph Geobbles) Rove to blow the cover of a CIA agant as political payback. All while Faux news continues to sheild the crminals that make Dick Nixon look like a boy scout.

Why does Dick(Head in Charge)Cheney want every television set tuned to Faux News to see that no opposeing thought is ever aired.Making sure the employees paid by the state department are falling in line.

This country is going to hell because we continue to let this country be run by Zealots with a one party rule agenda. They will face the facts one day when the next neuremburg trail is held in Washington while. With the likes of Bush,Rove,Cheney,Rumsfeld,Wolfowitz facing a commitee for commiting acts of aggression based off a lie and a personal vendetta (Ever heard of operation canned goods it was the ploy to justify the invasion of Poland by germany)



I never said that I was a democrat. If you think that only democrats hate Fox news, then you obviously are biased, so no wonder you are stepping up for Fox news. You cannot judge a movie by its trailer, if you want to have an opinion on a movie, here's a novel idea... Watch it! You have turned a campaign for defending Fox news into a democrat bashing tirade... You are helping make the point that this documentary is setting forth!

I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!


Trailers are made to attract viewers to watch the movie. All the trailer does is bash FNC and uses what their anchors say out of context, I could see that by watching the clips they previewed on it. That tells me right there the subject matter of the movie and how they support their argument. Why would I want to watch it if I know they are using clips from FNC out of context to support the view they want you to have of FNC? Plus I've seen Greenwald's work with his walmart movie, and although I have some common agreements with him in that movie I know he does use biased reporting in it.



I've never seen the movie, and after viewing the trailer I never will. From the look of the trailer it looks like they take what the 'talking heads' are saying out of context. Do you really believe that Shepard Smith thinks black people are afraid of water?

The point is the sort of bizarre comments they make in their little blurbs. Maybe Shep doesn't think that. How about the other guy (whose comment you ignored) saying that N Korea "loves John Kerry"? How about Cal Thomas asking a guest about Kerry's "Weak points that could be exploited"? The commentator saying Kerry was "Scaring old people as usual". Cavuto saying to Brit Hume "...Assuming the unthinkable happens and John Kerry becomes President..."

How about the internal memos? The ones that show blatant bias from the top used to direct the focus of FNC "reporting" and commentaries to support Bush & damage Kerry? Or the comments from former FNC staff who didn't sign on toe work for Pravda?

Just how much of that trailer did you watch, anyway?

The segment on the Democratic Primaries showing the fox commentator looking down reading a QUOTE saying the Kerry is a "pessamistic flip flopper who doesn't have any principals", make it seem like that is his view, but if you listen what he says after, "isn't that a little harsh?", it shows that it is not his view and he is reading a quote to ask a person a question.

Yes, one commentator does appear to be reading a quote. And what about the other 11 or 12 Fox commentators who parrot the flip-flop line before him? Will you now claim that they were also just "reading a quote"? I'll save you time - they aren't.

Looks like you are now picking out the lines that support your views on this, while ignoring the ones that work against them. Congratulations - any FNC talent scouts watching this board will want to make a note that you have potential. Turn up the screens a little bit higher, and you'll be ready to start re-editing the news as an FNC reporter.

Just in time, too - I understand Winston Smith got fired recently.


Props for the Winston Smith comment, I liked it, it was clever.

Anyways, Cal Thomas is conservative, BUT he is not an anchor, he was a host of his own show. There is a difference between anchors reporting the news and hosts of their own shows giving their opinon. It is no surprise that he'd be asking for Kerry's weak points. Plus, that is Cal Thomas who was saying that John Kerry was scaring old people (social security talk), again no surprise he would say that too.

Neil Cavuto hosts his own show, "Your World" which is a very good show and I suggest you watch it everyday at 4, that focuses on business aspects. Neil is a known Bush supporter, he contributed to his campaign, and again it is no surprise he would support Bush on his own show, becuase it is not a newscast.

As for the memos by Moody portraying Bush in a more positive light: For the memos on the Iraq War he simply asks the employees not to focus on casualties and focus more on the bigger picture, what the military is doing to achieve their goals. Every other station focuses on casualties which soon translates to why are we over there if people are dying. Sadly, soldiers die in war. I'd say casualties are a lot lower in this war than in previous wars we fought where we occupied a terriotry for a long period of time. For the 9/11 comission memos they basically just reported that not all the blame can be put on Bush, that Clinton has a lot of faults too. The panel showed this as well, both were under scrutiny by the those on the panel and that is what FNC anchors reported.

Former FNC staff? Let's just call them former Fox staff, as in your local Fox network who have nothing to do with FNC, it's totally different. A lot of the people Greenwald brought on to interview did not ever work for FNC or nowhere close to being previously connected with FNC, so how would they be reputable? Or they would have their faces blocked and voices muffled. Did you know Greenwald never even asked for an interview with FNC? I guess we are just supposed to believe that they really did work at FNC, because without their identities we can't confirm it and can only take their word for it. The others don't give names of people who gave them orders to report biased views.

Now, as for the flip-flops: Again, you are confusing program hosts who give their views with news anchors who report the news. Most of the people who used that term were guest brought on the show, Gibson and Hume bring on guest panels all the time on their shows, others saying it were the hosts of the shows, which some were used more than once. These are their opinions, which shouldn't be held accountable for the networks reporting of actual news. And are you saying that FNC was the only network using the flip flop idea? Hardly so, talk of Kerry flip flopping had been talked about on every major news network's shows.

Just curious, but why didn't or mediamatters fund movies that looked into what was going on behind the scenes at CBS, CNN, ABC, or the NBC networks? CBS News has had some sketchy things going on behind the scenes, I'm not saying that they are biased at all because I have no proof, but in the past 2 years they have had anti-Bush leakings exposing producers and reporters. That seemes to be enough to investigate them, right? Or do they not because they would agree that Bush is an idiot and all the bad stories told about him on blogs were true? That is why you can't trust moveon or Greenwald, they only give you what they want you to hear. Why no clips showing pro-Kerry talk or anti-Bush talk on FNC? They bring on plenty of liberal guests for debates against other conservative guests, yet the conservative guests negative comments seem to make the final cut. Greenwald even admits in a article that he cut out non conservative views basically because it didn't pertain to the subject of his film.


Props for the Winston Smith comment, I liked it, it was clever.

Thanks. Nothing like the classics to add a little perspective. I also like to call FNC the Pravda News Network, but the Smith bit sounded better.

You're right on Cal Thomas too - as a former part of the Moral Majority, his opinions are usually no surprise.

As to Cavuto, yes, he normally does that spot. However, I've seen him in other circumstances. Like interviewing Kerry, for example. He asks him a slanted question about his economic plans, and when Kerry tries to answer, he quickly cuts him off and moves on. It was apparent to me because of this that the intent was not to gain information or clarify his position, but to plant that negative opinion in the minds of the viewers.

As for the memos by Moody portraying Bush in a more positive light: For the memos on the Iraq War he simply asks the employees not to focus on casualties and focus more on the bigger picture, what the military is doing to achieve their goals. Every other station focuses on casualties which soon translates to why are we over there if people are dying. Sadly, soldiers die in war. I'd say casualties are a lot lower in this war than in previous wars we fought where we occupied a terriotry for a long period of time.

I have to disagree. We all know that people die in wars. Otherwise, they'd just be intense discussions. "What? They've hit our left flank with an economic jibe? Okay, parachute the 11th Informed Debaters in at dawn to take those bastards down. We'll catch the enemy in a vise between the 11th and the 15th Gripiing Brigade."

Casualties are to be expected, yes. But when the promised goal isn't being achieved, when Rummie claims that we can hold and rebuild with minimal troops and financing, and things just deteriorate because the administration refused to listen to the people who (accurately) warned them of what to expect post-war and what to do to prevent things from going to hell, people have a right to question the lives being lost on this ill-conceived and poorly executed post-war Iraq.

It isn't saying, why are we there if people are dying. The question being asked is, was all this necessary? And as it turns out, the Bushies focused on data that supported their claims while ignoring data that refuted them (have a look at the Downing Street Memos and others sometime) in order to go ahead with the war.

Also, I've gotten off track regarding the memos. It was more than just avoiding body counts.

Re: FNC staff. That is short for Fox News Channel, which these people were. Not sure what you thought it stood for, but just so we're clear.

A lot of the people Greenwald brought on to interview did not ever work for FNC or nowhere close to being previously connected with FNC, so how would they be reputable?

Funny, a lot of us were wondering the same thing about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, when none of them actually served with Kerry. But I digress.

First off, follow these links:

It takes you to the main website's trailer, but also lists some of the primary people involved in the interviews. Some are FNC producers and anchors. Others study the media in general, and have spent a good chunk of their lives doing so, so they are reputable sources.

The second link is for featured interviews. One of the major people spoken to is David Brock, former Right-wing mudslinger, worked on the Arkansas Project which was funded by Richard Mellon Scaife. He was basically a part of the machine for a while, so he knows about their tactics. And as I said, a lot of others have good reps as media analysts and so forth.

I'd love to take on the rest of your points, but work is waiting. Will continue later.


Thanks, I always enjoy good debates.

As for the swift boats, I thought that was way overrated. I didn't care about Kerry's past at all, just focused on his politics. But I can see how a lot of conservatives used that to their advantage. I think things like this are bad for politics, why can't politicians stick with the issues and not slander? Too bad that is just the way things work these days.


"These days"?


Much as I hate to say it, it's always been like this. They've only gotten better at it.

I've read stuff about the Lincoln election and others that's really just disappointing. (Not on the Lincoln side, but the side of his opponents).

BTW, to save time - You were right about the flip-flop thing being said by commentators, not newscasters. I still think it felt like a bit of coordination and repetition was involved, but I don't know if it was intentional or if everyone just jumped onto a popular catch-phrase.

Regarding the CBS/NBC/etc stuff, couldn't really speak to that. I know there was that biz with the Dan Rather story on the documents that were apparently forged. I think the far right jumped on this screw up as an opportunity to slam Rather, who they've pretty much hated since that Nixon thing.

However, I'd really have to let someone else with more info on it take the wheel for this bit.


All I can say to this is that Fox has done all it can to blur the lines between actual news and op/ed commentary. They do this by using op/ed commentators, such as Cavuto and O'Reilly on some of their actual news shows. This only serves to reinforce their op/ed opinion based comments by lending their voices credibility. Although a vast amount of people are smart enough to separate the two, a larger majority of Fox viewership holds these opinion based shows up as actual news.

FNC is no more than the Public Relations department of the Republican Party.

Only 2 sources, FNC & the Bush White House, spelled bin Laden's first name with a U (Usama).

FNC memo reveals a push to refer to American snipers as 'sharpshooters' because 'sniper' carried a negative connotation. This died fast because it was laughable.

Also laughable was FNC's attempt to refer to suicide bombers as 'homicide bombers'.

These last two are clear cut propaganda techniques, plain and simple. History will show them to be the jokes they are. The first shows a relationship between FNC and the Bush White House.

FNC is to the Republican party as the Sinn Fein is to the I.R.A. Nothing more than the P.R. department of the Republican Party.

To deny this is to drink their Kool-Aide.

I am the One, True Brian. All other Brians are false. Kneel before Brian.


I would like to reply to the author's initial query. Mass appeal does not make a news network objective nor does it make it (for lack of a better word) good. So, I don't think this is an indication of anything really. The fact of the matter is, this documentary was very well researched and documented, with an array of comments from fairness and accuracy in reporting proponents. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to question the validity of the film's central thesis. Namely, Fox News is neither FAIR NOR BALANCED and it is basically little more than a mouth piece for the current administration, which presents serious problems for our democracy. I agree with whoever likened Faux news to state run media. Indeed, it is as close to state run propaganda as we will (hopefully) ever see. Living in Texas, I know a number of people who get their news exclusively from Faux news. It really disturbs me. The PIPA survey conveys it well; those who watch Faux news are completely misinformed and demonstrate it time and again in these surveys. I am saddened that these journalists (well, can I really use that term in good conscience?)...rephrase: I am saddened that the few actually qualified journalists on Faux news (of which there is a paltry amount) have sold their journalistic integrity and objectivity for a pay day. All I have to say to that is, SHAME ON YOU!!!!! They are doing such a disservice to the American public. Commentators like Hannity, O'Reilly, and Cal Thomas are A) not qualified journalists, B) idiot, compulsive liar, devil incarnate respectively and their target audience is thankfully uneducated individuals who crave the safety of republican rhetoric so, I tend to take those shows and the damage they are inflicting with a grain of salt. Significantly more damaging and insidious to me is someone like Brit Hume who on the surface anchors a nightly news program, which in reality is little more than yet more administration backed, Fox's cherry picked misinformation. Sorry, I went off on a bit of a rant here but this channel is really disturbing to me on so many levels. The people who watch it will hopefully snap out of their brainwashed state and demand a truly fair and balanced network.


My poster above hit the nail on the head. Being from Oklahoma myself, I know most people get the news, or so-called news from fox. To the point: it makes me very depressed and sad that I'm discovering that so many of my people are dumb as a box of rocks who'll listen to what 'others' say to get informed on how they should look at things.

I'd be very interested in finding out the age demo's for Fox. I'd assume it's senior citizens, who are mostly white. But the scary thing I'm learning is that the majority of my friends watch it constantly. And I"m only 32. It's funny, they've all become right wing nuts. And not too long ago I was doing drugs and getting laid, doing some crazy stuff w/ these people.

It just doesn't add up to me. Another thing I"ve found is the people what watch most of them talk the talk, but when it comes to go and fight over in Iraq, well I dont' see them running down to sign up any time soon.

I think it all boils down to if it's other people doing the fighting then that's great! But not when it comes to them or somebody their close with...

And you know what that means. Their full of *beep*

as ever

P.S. deanie2g1b, may the best team win in October. I have a feeling UT is going to kick my Alma Mater ass I'm sad to say. I think our defense is in real trouble.


Breaking Bad had high ratings, also. I guess people love scripted dramas such as Fox News.


Pretty simple, really.

If you want right-wing propaganda (and there's definitely and audience for that), there's one place you can go on tv. Fox 'News'. The audience of people who want actual news, which is much, much, MUCH larger than the audience that wants right-wing talking points and conspiracy theories, is divided between ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. (MSNBC grabbing up the folks who are interested in a left-leaning view.)

Any other questions?

"What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got 'em all."
"You don't look lazy."
