Oscar Eligibilty

I've heard it was good, but seeing as it was China's official selection for the foreign film oscar, but it didn't get nominated, is it eligible this year.


From what I understand, you along with the Golden Globe committee, heard wrong. I've been hearing this is perhaps one of worst films of 2005, and was selected by China perhaps because they thought the hype and special effects would carry it to the Oscars...apparently it did not. And since the film was screened already in 2005 in Los Angeles, I would think that pretty much takes it out of contention for '06. Wouldn't make sense for films to sign up two years in a row.

I will be finding out first hand just how bad, or not, this film really is next monday with my two tickets waiting for me at Lincoln Square. By the way, is it true that the shorter 103 min version is the only version available for even the Tribecca Film Festival? Or is it a mistake on their website? It would disappoint me greatly if the full version couldn't be screened at the Tribecca Film Festival, cause of all places, this is the one Festival in the U.S. where length shouldn't be a problem.


While this movie was pretty hilarious, it doesn't deserve to win anything


Hope you enjoyed the film, I LOVED IT


I am not sure if Razzies are given to foreign film but if they do, this one gets my nomination.


I agree this film is sooo bad that I hope it convinces the Razzie committee to add a new category "Worst foreign film"


Are you kidding me, well I guess this is a film for people with the taste of a film maker.


Ha,ha,yeah... If you have the taste of a film maker like Uwe Boll or Ed Wood.


You know what, I'm entitled to my opinion, just like you are entitled to act like a jerk, you don't have to but that's how you feel.
