wuji = la ji



la ji means garbage


shouldn't the proper pinyin be la xi?

Folks don't call me 'the Torturer' because I don't like to torture people.


la xi is kinda like diarrhea or taking a dump. Garbage is either la ji or le se.


wuji = wu liao zhi ji. lol.
don't hate i just copy from the net somewhere :)


wu liao what? i mean what did the translations say because zhi ji is seriously drawing a blank. zhi ji sounds like either 'thrilling' or 'penis', and neither of them really make sense with wu liao.


it meaing Boring to the Max

or the pinicle of boredom. Which i agree with... this movie has sooo much potential... what the hell was Chen Kaige thinking?


It's funny to see you people here talking about Chinese language. Are you all from China? I'll tell ya, Wu Liao means "Boring" or "Tiresome", and Zhi Ji means "extremely", and WuLiaoZhiJi means "Extremely Boring". Understand??


Hey, Mr./Ms./Mrs Duke of the North,

Why don't you post a perfect movie script here for us to enjoy?

There are people in this world that can only make themselves feel important by attacking other people's hard works. They are called parasites. They have no ability to create something on their own. Hu Ge is definitely one of them. Are you?


I am not from China. haha. Glad that you like this movie.
