Worst CG ever

everything looks fake, cg was really awful.
plot line is actually interesting, but the effects ruin the whole thing from the beginning.
'Hero', CTHD, HOFD are way better, story wise, effects, and cinematography (especially Hero)


I was sooo disappointed with the CG. The cinematography, despite the CG, looks pretty great, but the effects are SciFi channel worthy at best.



Yeah the CG was pretty pitiful, and the storyline started out really great until halfway through the movie, it sorta fell flat. The princess got really annoying, too.

But the use of color was spectacular, without the pathetic special effects.


Pathetic special effects?
Look, you either have B-grade Asian computer effects . . . or the infinitely more silly and pathetic HK wirework. I'd rather have CGI over the crap in Hero any day of the week.


I was disappointed in the CG too. The story was interesting, and the colors were great. And I loved the costuming. But the CG really bothered me...

Do you not know death when you see it?
