Dumbest part...

For me I think the hardes thing to accept was that the people from the North who all have super speed and can travel through time and whatnot, are beaten by the Wuhuan. Out of all the things, that really just was the stupidest I think.



Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs StreetLighter:

Please read my reply to you again. Only two of your 17 complains about this movie are semi valid. All others are plain non sense.

Please read my reply to your post again.


Agreed! how does anyone think Wuhan could ever be a super villain? By his own admission, he plotted for years to snatch Cecilia Cheung and praised Kulun and the General for just riding in and taking her without grand scheme! If he's so smart and bold...how come he took so long to make a move? He supposedly wiped out the people of the land of snow without so much as batting an eye. Kidnapping one queen is harder??

Wuhuan as a credible villain is the worst thing about the movie. Then Wuhuan's golden thumb! Then comes the stampede. Then....just fill in the blank.


there were some really messed up things with the film, but i guess they were there for entertainment purposes, like spielberg sometimes does, [jurrassic park: wen the t-rex comes out of the cage, all of sudden theres a cliff there?!] not that im comparing his to speilberg, just saying illogical things are there for entertainment.


true! by the way, acoording to the study of non-dimensional analysis, humanbeings can actually easily outrun dinosaurs based on their strike length and length of legs.... If everything in the movie has to make sense, Jurrasic park and King Kong (new one) shouldn't even exist!


Snow wolf can easily beat Guangming but has a hard time dualing with Wuhuan; and then at the end of the movie Guangming and Wuhuan fight each other equally. WTF?


Wuhuan whining about how being lied to by a little girl in his childhood had destroyed his last chance to be a good person


This post is to answer all those so called dump parts:

Running Speed Thing:

Since when out come of war is decided by running speed alone?
Never. Running speed obviousely help a lot. That alone does not decide the result of a ball game or war. Otherwise, the best runner in the world would be the best basketball and football players on earth. They are not.

A10 was designed to shoot tanks on the ground. One of the design requirement was it should not go over Mach 1.
Mig25 and SR71 can go 3 to 4 times faster than A10. Try using them to shoot tanks on the ground. Now that is dump.

Snow Wolf vs GuangMing, Snow Wolf vs. WuHuan, and WuHuan vs. GuangMing Thing:

The whole thing makes perfect sense. Look at the nature. There are many preys and hunters and circular. One thing eats another thing in a circular manner. That is how nature works.

Sports team coaches routinely adjust line ups based opponents' styles and their own. Best players against one team may not be the best players against another team. Coaches need to change them all the time. How can some people do not understand this?

Snow Wolf almost killed GuangMing because of surprise and speed. When Snow Wolf fought WuHuan, there was no surprise there. WuHuan knew about him and his speed. Besides, Snow Wolf was on the edge of psycological break down. Snow Wolf was more like trying to redeem himself than anything else.

The bread from the past thing:

WuHuan was just blamming other people for the bad things he did. People like him would not care about a stupid little bread from childhood at all.

It is so simple. How can people not get this?
WuHuan was shown through out the movie as a tricky lier. I cannot believe some movie goers would choose to believe this one statement from him and use it to attack the movie director.

There are people in this world and movies who cannot face their own evil. So they must blame other people for the bad things they did. Get it?


is the part between the beginning and end credits.
