Watching it now...

...and aaaaaaagh! The damn costumes are driving me nuts already. I mean, come on... how hard can it possibly be to buy a frigging airsoft gun? At least they'd look better than the crap that these actors have to work with. And also, must we always ask the perpetual question: where do they keep all the ammo? Because they must have a bagillion and one clips, because they were only given TEN ROUND CLIPS! Dear lord, amke it end...

Oh, yeah, and the names like "Mickey" and "Charms" is getting to me.

Aside from that, the movie still seems a tad better than most stuff to come out of sci-fi. More to follow, likely...


Oh, yeah, so does the very hot soldier chick live?


I noticed that almost no one fired in automatic in the movie, they only fired singleshots, even if the monster was two feet in front of them



It's quite clear this movie had no military advisor and whoever wrote it should stop and get a full time job at starbucks instead.

Soldiers in a war zone does not casually walk around with their rifles slung over their shoulders, they don't leave base without loaded weapons, helicopter pilots don't just fly to a set of coordinates in hostile areas with confirmed IED threats then land and wait, insurgents don't place pressure detonated IED's on the only road into a town they too need to get in and out of, soldiers don't run up to the enemy to shoot them, and if they did the rest of their squad wouldn't just look on like idiots.

I'm betting this movie cost less than my car to make...

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.
