Release date?

Are there no release date for this picture?

I want to see Kristian Valen act in a U.S. movie, but it looks like he chose the wrong movie to do his debut with, since it's never coming out.


I suspect it will be released early 2006.
Kristian Valen just released his last single sharing the title with this upcoming movie, Living The Dream.

Of course, the song is crap. And I suspect this movie will be too. This is just the result of some people with cash to spend and time to kill.


Well I see it got released DTV.

At least Valen is on the cover.


Valen må være det minst morsomme mennesket i verden OMG. Jeg klarer ikke se valen & de, det er for flaut. Nesten like flaut som å høre folk si "Geir e maen!" eller "haha har så mange morsomme ansiktsuttrykk!"
