MovieChat Forums > Her Minor Thing (2005) Discussion > Sacramento Film + Music Festival

Sacramento Film + Music Festival

Hello All,

"Her Minor Thing" is the opening film for the Sacramento Film & Music Festival August 17th, 2005 at 7:30PM at the Crest Theater in Sacramento, California!! Tickets may be purchased at

After the film there will be a 30 minute Question & Answer session.

Charlie Matthau will definitely attend. We are checking with our actors to see if they can make it.

We hope to see you there!

Take care, Debra


Hello Debra -

I just bought my tickets to see Her Minor Thing at the Crest. I am very excited to see the finished product. I worked for many days on the film as I was Christian Kane's stand-in (my name was accidentally left out of the credits :( - is there any way you can help me with that?) Anyway, I will look forward to seeing you and others at the Sacramento showing. Congratulations on getting this film out into festivals for people to see. I'm sure it will be well recieved.



Hello Cory,

Thank you for buying tickets. We didn't employ a stand-in for Christian. Sorry if you were not listed however, many of the extras (there were a few different extras each day that stood in for the actors) and people who lent a hand during the production did not get listed in the credits. It's part of the low-budget process as many people do it for the fun and there wasn't staff enough to keep track of this.

Take care,


What rating does Her Minor Thing have? (i.e PG, R13)


Hi There,

It has not been officially rated, however it most likely would be PG-13.

Take care,


Any news yet on getting Her Minor Thing into cinemas worldwide?



Nothing I can officially talk about. Sorry!



Had you seen Ivana Milicevic in the movie Head Over Heels when she was cast?


I am kind of bummed that the movie is now sold out. I really wanted to see it. Any chance of having anymore showings in Sacramento?


I am so sorry. There will be more opportunity in the future, hopefully at the local theater near you. We tried to get the word out and we were simply amazed and delighted at how quickly tickets sold. Please return to imdb as I do post information regularly.

Take care, Debra


I have several people that aren't able to attend tonight, so I have 4-5 extra tickets for the screening at the Crest Theatre. Send me an email at [email protected] if you are interested. Sorry for the short notice, but hopefully you will be able to go. Thanks!


Wehave 4 to 6 tickets available, please e-mail my son at [email protected] or myself at [email protected] today Wed. and we wiil meet you at the Crest before the show. you can also call my cell # 916-826-5331. [email protected]


We did watch Ivana in a couple of things plus her reel before deciding on her. She's really an interesting actress as she's quite versatile.


Hello All,

We have SOLD OUT as of Friday 8/12/05 afternoon. THANK YOU ALL very much

To let you know the lineup of activities.

6:45PM - red carpet 'Gala Festivals' begin. (I think the red carpet is only 10 feet long, but it is red and a carpet)
Guests: Charlie Matthau (Director) and his lovely wife Ashley
Michael Weatherly (our Handsome Reporter Tom) has the day off and trying to come but "NCIS" scheduled him for 7AM the next day, so everyone cross your eyes!
Rick Kleber (Carl) this man can give a tour of a health club like no one can!
David Fine (Seedy Guy) your mother's worst nightmare and he's in love with you!

7:30PM "Her Minor Thing" film (you are wanting to see the film, right?)

9:00 - 9:30PM Question and Answer session with actors & Charlie (Jim and I too perhaps)

Because of the activity in the area (Sacramento Film Festival & Music Circus) try not to wait until the last minute to get down there. I want you to find a parking spot and enjoy the evening!

Best of all YOU are our Guest! Enjoy the show!

I'll be the one tripping, someone catch me please??


Congratulations. Have you heard back from any of the other film festivals yet?


The film festival was a rousing success. Everyone really enjoyed the movie. Lots of laughs from start to finish. My boss, Susan, was in the audience and said the girls behind here couldn't stop talking about how dreamy Christian and Michael were.

I wore flats so no tripping occurred. This was much more of a premiere with limos (my first limo ride!) and lots of media! Long gowns for some.

Unfortunately Michael did not make it. Ivana chose to go to Mexico instead of Sacramento. I cannot imagine why?! (;

David Fine (seedy guy) and Rick Kleber (Carl) did come. Rick and Charlie had some funny back and forth on the stage to Rick on the audience. Rick had just had eye surgery and was wearing a dapper black eye patch. Charlie asked him if he was starring in a pirate movie. Rick told Charlie "Sure, if you're directing one now!" Also our local actors Elisabeth Nunziato, Jay Alan, Rachel Songer came and it was wonderful to see them again. Two L.A. actresses attended but didn't tell us until afterwards they were there. These two were Keary Ann Bixby and Ashley Rivard. If you are in the cast and are coming, please do e-mail Jim or I so we can introduce you to the audience. They always want to know who you are, and of course, what you're wearing!



I just got home from watching "Her Minor Thing" tonight and I thought it was absolutely fantastic! I was actually one of those many extras that were called to be a part of this great production and I had the honor of being a stand-in also! It was a pleasure working with Estella also. I'm more inspired than ever now to go out there and be in movies! :-D Thank you again for the fabulous evening and I can't wait for it to go out on DVD! Take care!

Bernard Abero - Sacramento


Have you made your money back on this film or will you need more screenings?


Hi All,

Here's the answers to your questions.

1) Additional Film Festivals, we're still waiting on this to hear. No news yet. ):

2) Thank you Bernard! If you would, Please write a little review of the film (don't give away the ending!)and rate it with Stars, this always helps the film. We're so glad you enjoyed it. We heard this again and again. We like the film and are very happy when other's do.

3) We don't make any money from the film festivals. This money goes to the film festival hosting us. Much of the money is spent for paying the theaters they screen films at, for mailings, for publicity publications for the festival as well as bringing in Hollywood people to their festival such as directors and actors. (We show up too, just to annoy the director and actors.) (;

4)Work on the Trailer will begin in about two weeks.


With work beginning on the trailer, does that mean we are more likely to get Her Minor Thing in the cinemas? What do you need us to do to make that happen?



The trailer will help us market it to Foreign distributors. Chat online with the folks who saw the movie in Seattle and Sacramento. Posting on, fan sites, etc. Many many people enjoyed it. Of course, it's a film that's not for everyone but that's OK!

Take care,



Well, I've got a few of the fan sites covered for you


Thank you so much for your help!


No problem. When you say the trailer will help you with Foreign Distributors, do you mean other countries Film Festival or International Cinema release of the film?
