those dolls are EVIL

It's all about marketing slut 'role models' to young girls. Disgusting. Girls SHOULD be taught to respect themselves, maybe then we wouldn't have so many damn little hoochies running around. Bratz are NOT good toys for kids. NO WAY. This movie is also a wretched example of our twisted culture at work. SIMPLY AWFUL.


Chill out Ms./Mr. Morals. They're just dolls that little kids use to play and learn to develop their imagination. You can't honestly tell me that you didn't have atleast one Barbie doll in your childhood. Besides they send a better message than overachiever Barbie.


Haha yeah absolutly... little girls should be taught to not try to achieve anything.

That damn Barbie... she's screwed up lives for the last 50 years.



Seriously, it's all about advertising, but you'll see what we mean in 15 years when you look back on this movie. (Much like those off us around 25 do when we look back at the Transformers movie..)


I can't believe you people actually care... it's just a movie about spoiled kids... I love the idea and if I was a teenage girl, I WOULD BUY THOSE DOLLS because they look pretty cool to me... coming from a guy btw lol

Seriously, Barbie, Ken, Bratz... it's for kids... Kids are not adults and they couldn't care less... Kids are not stupid, that's why CATWOMAN flopped at the boxoffice, so let them make up their own little minds.



Devanney kind of has a point here, and it's not just Bratz. I saw this commercial for these new dolls called "Shorties" and every one of them resembled a prostitute... Maybe I'm just over-reacting, but it does seem freakish to be handing these things out to little girls. Barbie and Ken are an exception, because they have clothes that actually cover their bodies.

If I don't eat tacos, I will explode! That happens to me sometimes.


Actually no they don't. They are now making Barbies in lingeri (sp) and tinier clothing. I play with Bratz (im 12) and I dress more revealing then them. They just dress like teenagers. They have hip new clothes and they are up to date on style.


You go girl!!!



Wait, you're 12 and wear revealing clothes?? Now, THERE'S something to brag about. Where are your parents?? Jeez, does anyone remember when kids actually dressed like KIDS?? What's with this whole rush to look like a skanky adult? Just remember one thing...bad things happen to stupid little girls EVERY DAY.


that's a very horrible thing to say, you should be ashamed, really!



I've seen these dolls and they do look like prostitutes. I am 16 and I don't dress like that. I played with Barbies when I was little and I never had Barbies that looked like this.

I would never buy these for my children. It's ridiculous. What ever happened to American Girl dolls? Those were wholesome and they rocked.



You better shut the hell up about my parents. They are wonderful parents and do watch how I dress. Im a good little Christian girl and I will never have sex before Im married. You have no right to speak badly about my parents. I like the dolls because they are fun to play with. I never said I want to be exactly like them. I dress the way I do because I have no other choice. I am much taller than an average 12 year old and my body is way more developed. I can not fit into children's clothes so I wear teenage/juniors clothes. Its not like my parents let me go out of the house naked. The most of my body I show is my stomach, shoulders, arms, and legs. These dolls give a more real look at the world. They are about 16 and dress like an average 16 year old. The dolls are not going to be butt ugly because that would just be scary. They do not have a million jobs like Barbie and they do not depend on one color throughout their life.


Those Bratz dolls aren't wearing what the average 16 year old girl wears, they are wearing what the average 16 year old hooker wears. Not very many people at my school dress like that. And the ones who do are labelled as skanks (believe me, you don't want to be in their position...) It's these supposed teenage "role models" like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilara, the dancers in rap videos, Bratz Dolls, etc, that make people think that teenage girls dress like that.
And since you are only 12 years old your parents probably buy your clothes and should have some kind of say in what you wear. It's your parent's job to make sure you turn out okay (no offence...).
Those dolls are evil I tell you...EVIL!!!


Yes they do buy my clothes and have a say in what I wear. If they don't like what I'm wearing I change. I just dress like a teenager. Where I live everyone dresses like that even the old old women and I mean in like their 70's. Its really creepy. But everyone I know dresses like that. Its just how we are. The type of clothes we wear do not determine if we are sluts or hookers.


I aggree that that's very creepy and weird that old ladies dress like that... actually the clothes you wear do determine if you're a "hooker" or whatever you want to call it. The reason people dress skimpy or show a lot of skin is to grab attention. People wouldn't dress like Britney Spears or any of those "teen gods" if they didn't want people to look at them. can wear whatever you doesn't matter, it's your choice...I just find that those dolls reinforce the teenage slut look, and that making a movie that's probably going to be at the theaters (because it has Kaley Cuoco and Lacey Chabert) is the stupidest idea Hollywood had ever had (it's probably going to be worst than Battlefield Earth, said to be the worst movie ever made).


Sure hookers might dress like that but that doesnt actually mean we personally ARE hookers. Oh and Britney Spears is not a teen god. I hate her and Hilary Duff and all those little pop princesses.


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! "Good Christian girl"? "These dolls give a more real look at the world"

You poor demented girl you.


How dare you talk about this girls parents or say that she will be pregnant at 13. Bratz are just dolls just like Barbie just more updated. I am a 27 yr. old mother of an 8 yr. girl and I by her Bratz as well as my neices. She even has the Bratz movie. You must not have a life if you need to be dissing on dolls. GET OVER IT ALL READY. Where I am from most girls that are in Junior High and High School wear belly baring shirts and some where tight pants. That is the STYLE. We are not in the 1950's were you need to cover up your entire body!


Dude, what the hell are you talking about?
The dolls are just promoting the current fashion, because, in case you haven't noticed, we've had skanky looking teenagers since the eightees. These dolls didn't even exist in the ninetees.
Lay of the girl, a'right? Ooh! revealling clothes. Yeah, no doubt that SUDDENLY makes her a prostitute who does crack and has sex daily, even when pregnant (if you're too stupid to notice, I'm being sarcastic). Besides, she's a christian. Those religeous types are often annoying. Yeah, I spoke my thoughts, tell me off for being blasphemous about a god who doesn't exist. *snore*
If you care so much about this sort of thing, why don't you blame it on the people who started this fashion (usually singers with something to do with R&B, Hip-Hop...).


Thank you for standing up for me but I would appreciate it if you didn't call me annoying and be so hateful towards my God. I know you're not Christian like me so I'm not saying you have to believe in Him but please just don't say the hateful things. Thank you


Ok I don't get any of you people.
It's a doll for christ sake. Live with it.
I'm 16 years old and I'm a sophmore in highschool. Pretty much every girl in my school dresses like that, yes they kept a reputation as a "slut", but honestly, a slut isn't someone who desses slutty. A slut is someone who goes off and sleeps with practically every guy. It's a nicer way of saying whore. Just because someone dresses like a slut does not mean they are a slut. I'm not saying it's prefectly ok for 12 year olds to go off and dress like that, but leave them alone. They want to fit in and if that's what it takes for them to fit in then let it be. And everyone who was attacking that 12 year old girl who dresses revelaing let her be. I was kind of like that when I was 12 and now I'm the only of my friends who hasn't had sex yet, so that proves all of your thoughts wrong that girls who dress slutty when they're younger are gonna go off and have sex as soon they reach teenage years.
Teenage years is a hard time for a girl and sometimes girls need something to look up to and base style off of. I don't see why anyone would want to base style off of a doll, but let it be. If that's how they want it then let them live their lives. Are people going off telling you what to wear and how to dress and who to look up to? No, and don't tell this girl what to do. I hate people who have to rule other people and that's what almost all of you are doing.
I know this went off into a way where it shouldn't of gone, but oh my god you people piss me off to no extent. IT'S AN EFFING DOLL! A DOLL! It doesn't have thoughts or feelings. It's made of plastic, like your computer! It's got paint on it's face for makeup! Let it be. They're teenage dolls. I can't believe half of you are comparing it to Barbie too. Barbie was a slut. Did they ever have a mom for Barbie? Ken was her boyfriend and Tommy was his son. Oh so what does that prove. Also, if there was no mom for Barbie then obviously Skipper and Stacey weren't her sisters...
So let people wear what they want and stop freaking harassing them over the internet. It's pathetic.
And if any of you disagree with what I've written I'd love to argue with you.



Barbie and Ken are an exception, because they have clothes that actually cover their bodies.

... You know every kid's ripped off the clothing to see what's underneath as an experiment, though... :-)

You got what you wanted, you got inside my head. Not so much fun now, is it?



I agree with most of you ..... it's as simple as this: the girls i know who have/had these dolls are having sex before 16yrs. This isn't the dolls fault, but they do help reinforce the "slut" lifestyle.


Dolls don't make you do those things. They are just dolls people! They wear clothes that are in style and they do not act like sluts. Atleast they teach girls to have a mind and not be some pink loving freak like Barbies. Do you see Bratz getting pregnant? No, but you do see barbie.


Actually, they do act like, not to mention look like, sluts. In the commercials they're always flirting with these guy dolls, dressing in very skimpy Christina Aguilara tops and skin tight pants and these commercials are aimed at kids from ages 3-10. I agree that dolls don't make you do stupid things, stupid people do stupid things. But people who are old enough to think twice about who their role models are don't play with Bratz dolls. These dolls are evil...and I do see Bratz getting pregnant.


Excuse me Im 12 and Im one of the smartest people in my class and I have very good role models. I barely care about fashion and Im a straight A student. I play with Bratz all the time. I like acting like a little child with my friends. And how can you see Bratz getting pregnant if there is not doll? There is a Barbie/Midge doll though. The commercials are not aimed at any age group. I was reading an issue of J-14 the other day and they had a Bratz ad. Dolls are not evil. All they do is sit on a shelf and let little girls explore their minds and think of creative game ideas.



Dolls do not tell me to grow up to fast. Yea I play with dolls and I know adults that play with dolls. I am in 7th grade and Im almost a teenager. I dress like the dolls but I have been dressing like that WAY before they even existed. I do play with dolls yes but I do not let them tell me to grow up. I am way more mature than everyone in my class and I act like an adult except when Im with my friends. Oh and to the people that say teenagers don't dress like that, go to the mall for once. Go to Papaya, Aeropostale, Hot Topic, Forever 21, Gadzooks, even Limited Too. You will find all those types of clothes.



I think that those dolls are bad for kids, they put forth unrealistic body images and tell kids its OK to be materialistic. The dolls are meant to be shallow girls who have a "passion for fashion' and dress like hookers. At least Barbie often had a job such as Dr. Barbie, Astronaut Barbie, Teacher Barbie, Vetrenarian Barbie....these dolls are all just spoiled rich girls. I wouldn't let my kids play with them.



you, my friend, are a smart kid. damn the man!




Honostly, everyone at my school dresses like that. And I'm only in middle school. Would you like to go and call all of them sluts, hookers, or whatever? Another thing, on that whole 'skinny' thing. Have you ever seen Barbies? They have the perfect body! What kind of 'message' do you think that sends? Really, these people probably just took a look around them, saw what kids were wearing, and decided to make fashion dolls out of them. Not pink dolls wearing clothes that cover everything, FASHION dolls. Thank you. XD



I do agree that the dolls are a bad influence. I don't think they will necessarily cause every girl who plays with them to become a prostitute; however, they express the following potentially dangerous messages:

a) Materialism (both in the sense of being spoiled and overly concerned with appearances) is the key to success and admiration;

b) Being a brat (i.e., again: spoiled, materialistic) is okay (and even something to aim for!).

Of course there are those who are unaffected by these 'messages' I mention. Of course there are those who can laugh them off or ignore them. Not all girls are going to buy Bratz dolls and products for the same reasons, either; for example, I have an acquaintance who purchases them to use in puppet shows (where their appeal is that, apparently, they can be easily attached to strings and frames).

However, I'd say that, more often, kids (girls in particular, naturally) are affected by these messages, and buy them for reasons less offbeat. There are too many things in our culture that hold physical appearance paramount already; and materialism finds its best environment to thrive amongst teenage (and pre-teenage) girls, known to be often manipulative, striving to be "cool", and a source of strong peer pressure as a result. Although I realise these things are normal amongst teenagers, I think it these days has gotten way out of hand with influence from the toy industry and the media (WHY are girls calling themselves 'fat'? Why are they in hospitals with eating disorders? Why are they getting plastic surgery? And why is this taking place so DARN early?). The fact that clothes marketed to girls are pretty revealing is also a cause for concern. Why force kids too young to feel sexual attraction to be expressing themselves in a sexual manner (clothes, and Britney Spears, and whatnot)? That's a) ridiculous in its pointlessness, and b) potentially dangerous, in more ways than one!

A recent New York Times report revealed (although perhaps not surprisingly) that something like 95% of women are unsatisfied with their appearances. This needs to change. Appearance is not everything. Think of this: will people from 500 years from now look at a rail-thin woman and think, "God, she's beautiful!"? Standards change. And it's all subjective anyway. (Personally, I find the most attractive those who are described in societal terms as "plain" and "boring", for example.)

I really think we need to be making an effort to de-emphasise appearances in our society. Where does the obsession with looking attractive start? In the teenage years, at puberty. What are we telling girls they ought to be looking like? Something unhealthy and unnatural. I think Bratz are a contributing factor to this.

- A concerned 18-year-old girl.
insanity_transplant (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.





U really think Barbie is better? Barbie got f'ing pregnant, how is that for role model?? huh? I think Bratz are great, and Bratz are teenagers, sum teenagers dress like that, and not all their clothes are "hoochie"!


The thing about fashion can start off with the simple mantra of "I must wear what my peers are wearing", but it doesn't always stop there. I'm a 19 year old girl, and I see these Bratz dolls and their competitors, the My Scene dolls in stores and I think the clothes they wear are cute, but I wouldn't ever buy them for my little cousin. Remember the days when you could get a cute, frilly, pink nightgown that didn't in anyway resemble lingerie, and it came with a tiny matching one for your Barbie doll? I used to love the idea of little girls and their prized playthings dressing alike. This is the reason that companies like American Girl have such an older fanbase. I would hate to see the day when you could dress just like your Bratz doll. I just don't think that this kind of fashion is something that I want to mold the young mind of my favorite 7 year old.

I think that Barbie had a role in defining our standards of beauty today. Think back to the era when Barbie first appeared in that adorable black and white bathing suit. Girls who had curves, who had a figure, were beautiful. The skinny, boyishly figured girls were considered rather homely. Frankly, when I have a daughter, I won't give her dolls that are "women". She can have an American Girl doll, matching clothes and all, and hang on to her childhood. When she's 16, I will teach her how to walk in 3 inch heels, buy her first designer bag for her, and teach her everything I know about fashion.

I don't think that 12 year old girl really is a 12 year old girl...can we say "Devil's Advocate"...and even if someone is big for their age, they could wear clothing thats a little bit big instead of a little bit small. Wear shirts that are too short, and your stomach gets attention. You may find that you like it, and dress to "impress" more often, which is never a good idea.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.


Ok look I am a 12 year old girl. My b-day is July 2 and I was born in 1992! Im in 7th grade. And what do you mean by Devil's Advocate? Listen Im a smart girl. Im on the honor role. And again, go to the mall for once. I dress the way I do because I like the clothes. They are comfortable. I wear tube tops and belly shirts and halters and heels but I've worn them since I was like 7. Im a city girl and I just grew up this way. I am truly 12 though. I honestly don't know what you mean by Devil's Advocate but if you mean that I have a lot to say and I'm good with words or something like that, I'm just a smart girl. I'm not the typical student who gets all C's on their report card. And to all of you who said that I'm too old to play with dolls or that if I'm playing with them I should dress younger, well I know adults that play with them. My parents and my friends parents even play with them with us. Heck even my friends dad likes them! Maybe its just because we are big city people and this is how we grew up or maybe the world is turning back into the 50's but I and a lot of other people I know still play with these dolls and love them.


"I dress the way I do because I like the clothes. They are comfortable. I wear tube tops and belly shirts and halters and heels but I've worn them since I was like 7."

AND YOU DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT? Clothes like that are designed to have sex appeal, whether you think they do or not. Tube tops leave little to the imagination...heels are meant to give a long, lean look, lengthen legs, and make them more desirable. No, I still don't think you're 12. Sorry, but your "skilled" arguments didn't sway me. Btw, if you're such a smart girl, how come you don't know what "Devil's Advocate" means? My G/T English teacher taught us that in 6th grade, and I was 11 if you'd really like to get into the "battle of the super smart pre-teens".

"Im a city girl and I just grew up this way."
This has nothing to do with geography sweetie. I don't think you grew up on the street learning how to turn tricks, just like I may be a suburban girl but I don't play soccer and borrow my mom's minivan to go out it. You can't use stereotypes that don't even apply to make a point. I can't be completely disappointed in you, if you really are only 12, maybe the blame still lies with your parents. Oh, and your friend's dad that likes these dolls, probably needs to get some help, because he may have a child porn fetish, or maybe he just likes all things frilly. Either way, nothing about what you've said is normal, and I feel very sorry for you if you can justify the kind of lifestyle you've described.

BTW: They are NOT only dolls. I used to teach preschool, and the number one thing Early Childhood Education experts will stress is the importance of learning through playing. Perhaps if more parents understood this, they'd be a little more discerning about what toys they give to their child.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.


Ok first I'm not trying to make myself look sexy! Alright? I get dressed in the morning and if my parents don't like it I change. I only dress in tube tops and things like that in the summer anyways. Its not like I go out in the dead of winter and stand on a snowy street corner half dressed! And for gawd's sake why the hell don't you think I'm 12? My dad is 42, my mom is 46, I have a 26 year old brother! And just because I don't know what one term means doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm still on the honor roll and still get good grades. And when I said that I'm a city girl, I wasn't saying that all people from the city are like that, I was saying that around here, everyone dresses like that. I just wear whats in style. Now a days if you even go to the kids section of JCPenneys you will find clothes I wear. My mom doesn't mind how I dress at all and neither does my dad. Heck my mom used to be a model. And don't blame my parents for anything. They did nothing wrong. I'm still a good little Christian girl. And about my friend's dad, he's a really really Christian guy who would never do that. He just likes that we play with the dolls and that we like them so naturally he doesn't mind them.


BTW: They are NOT only dolls. I used to teach preschool, and the number one thing Early Childhood Education experts will stress is the importance of learning through playing. Perhaps if more parents understood this, they'd be a little more discerning about what toys they give to their child.

... Any 'negative effects' that may occur can easily be counteracted though if parents and children play TOGETHER; not just leaving them on their own in a room and hoping that the toys will be enough to entertain them.

You got what you wanted, you got inside my head. Not so much fun now, is it?


