
Anybody else feel ripped off for paying $7.50 to see a 45 minute documentary on bacteria living on the ocean floor? This movie couldn't be done by the same James Cameron that gave us nail biters like Aliens and Terminator?!? Maybe the worst documentary I've ever seen



It's a documentary; did you expect a CGI-extravaganza blockbuster?

Kids these days..


I don't quiet understand why anyone should feel ripped off. If you go to a IMAX cinema, you should know that it is rather costly and all film are "only" 45 minutes long. There is no point in comparing it tp the movies you mentioned, plus it can not a detailed documentary due to its short running time. I think it was quiet fascinating to go to a depth a diver could never reach, seeing fantastic 3-D-pictures of the submarines, the rock formations and the aliens(most of them are white deep-sea-creatures). Being in one of the submarines must be a dream if you could see what the cameras see and show to the audience. The CGI used to show several moons from our solar system were close to perfect. Plus the black female scientist in the beginning of the movie is quiet beautiful!
Yet there are to things that made that made AFTD a little to mediocre.
The comments from the (too) many scientists keep repeating("Incredible", "wow", "can you believe",... )and waste the time that could have been used for more fascinatig 3-D-pics from the oceans floor.
I also hoped to see more different animals. For anyone who is interested in films like this, I also recommend "The deep blue", with "incredible" pictures of the aquatic life(e.g. hundreds of shark at once, my favorite scene!)
