Remember the days when James Cameron made amazingly fantastic sci/fi movies?

Since Titanic all he's done is documentaries.


You're a sci-fi nerd and we all know it. Give up these foolish documentaries and come back to where you are most wanted.

We love you,

The Fans


Just let him do whatever he wants man, jesus give the guy a break!


This is fooking ridiculous!!! James Cameron has lost every single bit of enthusiam for sci-fi he ever had. What's this fascination he has with the deep sea? What happened to the man who used to love nightmares because they gave him great ideas? Who stole James? WE WANT JAMES BACK!!!! JAAAAAAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Until a couple of years ago, that pretty much summed up my attitude to James Cameron and his "legacy". Then, inspired mostly by "The Abyss" and the execellent making-of doc on the DVD I learned to Scuba dive.

I'm not a physical person. I'm not a science geek. But now I understand that blissed-out look Scuba divers get in their eyes when they talk about a good dive. That look that Cameron gets when he talks about deep ocean exploration.

Go to and check out your nearest dive centre. If you reckon the water's too cold in your part of the world, try to include it in your next holidy. Beats the hell out of sitting on a beach, I'll tell you that much.

And you'll experience better visuals and a bigger adrenaline rush than any movie could provide.

Mark G.

P.S. If you think he's lost his taste for sci-fi, wait until you see "Battle Angel"!



It's great that everyone falls in love with movies and become fans of those who created them. When that happens it's natural to build up certain expectations for those people. We've seen what they can give us and we want more along the same lines. They've earned fan credit. Yet some fans think they're owed interest from these artists and that they have some authority over what ought to be done next. They don't; the artists do.

That's the thing: these artists are people -- multi-faceted, talented individuals. In being so, it's not unfathomable that in order to stay frosty for the next story or idea, they're also interested in things beyond the relatively minor realm of the movies.

In James Cameron's case we can also add a healthy dose of wonder. He's one of my all time favourite filmmakers for many reasons, not the least of which is how his films display a deep desire to take the fiction out of science fiction. I'm no science geek either, but I totally empathize with this yearning to see the future. You need not read up on his biographical details to realize that he's got a genuine interest in science and technology. Moreover it's an interest in using them to push our civilization forward. When I read about remarkable advancements in technology or wondrous discoveries in science I get the same tingling on the back of my neck as when I watch a phenomenal scene from a great flick.

In light of this driving force his path makes sense. For all the malignment of Titanic as his entrance into suckage, he saw it as, first and foremost, a way to explore an area of interest that he had been nurturing for a very long time. The resources that the movie ended up providing helped him further those interests, allowing him to set up a bona fide expedition filmmaking crew. Now this to me sounds much more savvy than either crazy, hackneyed or nerdy.

When I read all the naysaying and complaining on these boards, it seems to be coming from a really narrow-minded perspective: why is he making lame documentaries when he should be making cool sci-fi action movies?! Well because where before he was making pictures of fake aliens and robots, he's now making pictures of real aliens and robots. While I haven't seen those other documentaries, this one sounds freakin' cool and I can't wait to see it. And with the film technology he's been pioneering with those projects, he'll be making even cooler movies in the future.

I can't wait to see what he does with Battle Angel. Gally friggin' rules!

Oh yeah! No 3D without 3D glasses!


I shall confess my love for Battle Angel Alita, I really really want him to make that film, I shall stick by Jimbocammy, but he sure as hell is starting to piss me off...

You don't ask in respect or friendship, and you don't think to call me Godfather…



Man i cannot agree with you far as i can see, "Titanic" ruined one of the most righteous writer/directors around. This was the dude who started the "Terminator" movies and directed "Aliens." But ever since he got his ocean fetish and made "Titanic," everything he's done after that's been a bummer. Ever since that movie, he doesn't do anything besides documentaries, pretty much ALL underwater. I dunno what happened Cameron, but his water obsession's gettin' in the way of his directing. I say he can keep his oceanwater fetish and still make scifi/action movies..i'm not asking for much, just so its at least a real movie..with cyborgs and aliens and blazing guns..'ts wut he was made to do..and he's good at it..

"Awesome! Totally Awesome!" Fast Times At Ridgemont High


I'm forced to agree. But. He's the artist with a multitude of fantastic films to his credit. We can whine all we want but its not gonna change a damn thing. It sucks, but thats the way it is. The only way hes gonna make another action/sci-fi flick is if he feels like doing it again. Right now. It's not lookin like he is. At least not for a while. :(



haven't seen it, but you know what they say ... truth is
stranger than fiction. i bet this movie is great, and
maybe its you that is not so exciting.


I agree with the prior poster. This movie looks fantastic. The OP sounds like a moron. Have some appreciation for something cultural. I prefer nature documentaries to action movies anyday. A film doesn't have to have violence and explosions to be interesting. But if that is what you need to fill your pleasure sensors, I am sure some big budget, weakly written, explosion filled movie will come your way.



this movie was boring! i fell asleep! and i was in the imax.


I agree totally with you! Can't James Cameron follow his heart and since he's got the money for it, pursue his interest in ocean life? The OP sounds like Cameron owes these sci-fi buffs when in reality, they don't appreciate Cameron for his art and view of life but are only interested in boxing him up! This man ought to be celebrated because he hasn't bowed to Hollywood pressure or the pursuit of money to make only sci-fi movies but has the guts to pursue his interest. In fact, you can see he applies his craft as diligently in his documentaries as in the sci-fi ones. Love ya James!


I for one like James Cameron and his films. And ever since he made Titanic I was in love with the ship and its legacy. I am glad that he is making these documentary's because it furthers my education in the ship. I also believe that he was over come by the same fascination, and that is why he makes these documentary's. So before you start to rant, think of all the possible reason's he does this.

Live each day like it is your last. Because you never know what will happen.


People evolve, look at Steven Spielberg, he's not making the big sci-fi fantasies like he used to. People get sick of doing the same thing over and over, they want to evolve, try new stuff, new ideas, experiement.

All you pencil-necked, narrow-minded, 35 year old and still living at home with your parents, sci-fi geeks need to get laid! And get off this man's d1ck.


I absolutely agree. I haven't seen the movie, but I was super excited to hear that another movie has come out that will expand our knowledge of the ocean. We know more about the moon, then we do about our own planet. The abyss was awesome... and guess what that jellyfish-esk creation is actually based more in truth then you might think. I bought the whole collection of Blue Planet from the discovery channel...when you get sick of ray romano and big budget hollywood and you thrist for substance, truth and discovery documentaries are the way to go!

The person who made the most relevant comment was a mom talking about how it has become "cool" to be stupid. (ie dude wheres my car and other such mindless filler.) It seems most of you would rather be dreaming of a fictional reality then exploring the wonders of the reality you live in. I mean whats better, wishing something was true... OR knowing something is true? I for one love fantasy movies, but they are only that. Instead of spending millions to create wonder, why not spend millions to expose it? I think this movie is a definate step up for James.




WAr of the worlds?



Hey reckless mG, do you need to be an expert swimmer in order to dive? I'm just wondering because all the footage I see of divers and they only seem to use thier legs to propel themselves forwards or down.



I didn't think it was boring! I thought it was fantastic! It depends if you like marine biology and stuff like that or NOT. People who love anything that has to do with it would enjoy this documentary. It's obviously not going to appeal to a general public.


He's actually doing something useful now instead of Leonardo DiCaprio but hey that's real important too.

