Laughing at IMDB

At the bottom of the main page, IMDB says:


If you like this title, we also recommend...

Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) (TV)


I'd think they'd list something like Stand By Me or My Girl, Mean Creek, River's Edge. But Ewoks?!


Have you seen the movie?...It takes place on Endor.


Actually, it takes place on the Forest Moon of Endor..


Obviously, the recommendations are randomly generated.

Just say NO to censorship!



Do you know what else is crazy? If you go to the page for The Ewok Adventure, at the bottom they also recommend, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) (TV). How the two are connected, I don't see it.


If you click more recomendations it says:

Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) (TV)
The Man in the Iron Mask (1998/I)
Legally Blonde (2001)
Boogeyman (2005)
The Blood of My Brother: A Story of Death in Iraq (2005)
Batman Begins (2005)
Single White Female (1992)
3 Ninjas (1992) Details
Chik yeung tin si (20020
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)

"This Is Your Life And Its Ending One Minute At A Time"-Tyler Durden


Compare this summary of the ewok movie lifted from a 1985 TV guide 2 and 1/2 star review to that of the IMDB summary of this film and I think that you may find there are more similarities than you care to admit!-

Jeremitt and Mace are two ewoks who are best friends, yet completely different. Jeremitt is athletic, brave and charismatic while Mace is quiet, timid and deeply affected by the lack of ewok fur on his face. Charal, a precocious witch daughter of a single, emotionally detached mother,is best friends with both the boys. When an army of the Marauders, led by King Terak attacks the ewok village and kills the families of our three heroes, Mace unbeknownst to anyone, vows to overcome his timidness and avenge his families death by befriending Terak and the maurauders who do not realize he is Ewok due to the lack of hair on his face. In the end along with the help of Jermitt and Charal our hero Mace extracts revenge on Terak and the maurauders.

Please do not doubt the absolute perfection that is the IMDB ever again!



perhaps, but my source was the tv guide. Now are you going to argue that the TV guide is not the world's most trusted news source or something?


Hey somf, how'd you get info from a 1985 TV guide? On the www?


Um, actually I'm going to argue that you're an obvious liar. Even a TV Guide review would not contain so many grammatical errors as your own.


