MovieChat Forums > Code Lyoko (2004) Discussion > If there was a Live Action movie...

If there was a Live Action movie...

Would you want it to reboot the entire franchise? How would you want it to be? Live Action/CGI? (similar to the show?)



You're so right about the young Edward Furlong being Ulrich. He totally resembles in him Terminator 2 lol

Narumi Riko as Yumi
She's japanese, would probably look like Yumi if her hair was like hers, still kind of has that big baby face Yumi has when she's virturalized.

here's pictures of her:


If there was a movie I have a feeling it would be a mix between Live Action/CGI Also I would be in line waiting to get the first ticket for the movie in my neighborhood. Before I forget me and a friend of mine have an outline based for the movie.

The story was: Ulrich Jeremy Yumi are all starting school together for the first time and no one knows anybody. Ulrich and Jeremy start talking and become friends. Yumi keeps to herself. Sissi who notices Ulrich falls in love with him. Of course there is a small back story with Sissi and why she lives with her dad at the school. About 45 minutes later Odd pops into the picture. He talks to Ulrich about how they are going to be roomies. Odd also mentions about going to this old factory building.Not far from the school. At lunch Jeremy goes to the factory Odd talked about. There he sees all this cool stuff. He leaves. At night he brings Odd and Ulrich to the factory. There they explore some and Jeremy finds
the super computer down one floor. When he turns it on Aelita is wide awake on the screen. She tells Jeremy about herself.(I left out the amnesia part on purpose.)She remembers everything. When Odd and Ulrich come down they think it's a joke someone put on the computer. Later the gang go down another floor and find the scanners. And below that the heart of the super computer. A short time later XANA comes after Jeremy By possessing a human. "That's how far we got with this."

Also I should add this No Kiwi There are Pictures of him but That's it. Also on the top floor of the factory there is a giant teddy bear about 10 ft high and an alien costume. Supposedly from the movie Alien vs Giant Bear.


(resurrecting an old-ass thread)

I've started writing a basic screenplay depicting a Code Lyoko story set three years after the series finale with the Supercomputer returning into its case within the floor. Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, and William must move through Lyoko to deactivate towers spread throughout all five Sectors before a XANA-hijacked train with Yumi as a passenger crashes. Jeremy is also at risk as an army of XANA-controlled warriors begins closing in on the Factory.
