MovieChat Forums > Idlewild (2006) Discussion > How to love outkast!

How to love outkast!

I find it quite annoying when all people talk about is how outkast have changed and aren't the real Kast from 94 or whatever year YOU strarted listening to them.

It would seam that if you were a true fan you would love and embrass thier evolution and enjoy the ride with them. 'm so happy that things are different. I get to go along with the story of two souls that are so dinamic together and even apart, (if they even are so much)

To be a fan of something is to be connected to the spirit of it and recognize the energy in whatever form it may come @ you. I like watching them in movies, listening to them in folk songs, hearing them rap, listening to them in interviews, seeing pictures, perhaps watching Andre's cartoon! You've gotta be able to enjoy all that from them.
1994 will NEVER happen again and either will 2006 so stop longing for yesteryear and pay attention to what the f is going on now. 2006 is NOT 1994. Andre is doing exactly what he should be according to his true character from the get go! And so is Big boi! Either except that sh!t or leave them the hell alone.

They should be as family to you. If your brother started dressing different I would hope you would still love him the same. If your sister changed jobs from being a lawyer to a pro snow boarder you had better support.

Are they family to you?


I love Outkast, but i will remain to do so only if you use "EXCEPT" and "ACCEPT" in the right instances. For example:

I ACCEPT the fact that you believe change shouldn't alter opinions of Outkast.

I like all of the songs on Outkast's Idlewild album EXCEPT for "Idlewild Blue".

Aside from the grammar lesson, good point, well put forward, but i have not come across many people who used to like Outkast and don't now. But thats just me.



preach it sir!
