theres already a silent hill movie made

there's already a silent hill movie made it goes by the name jacobs ladder this is infact the most scariest film ever made scarier than any other movie i've seen this is what inspired the video game


Hahahahaha, its not by the 'name of Jacobs Ladder' man, Konami got ideas from Jacobs ladder like the head shaking and stuff and put it in the game. They also got ideas from heaps of other material from the horror genre. Dont make calls like that when you dont actually know the truth. P.S. Jacobs Ladder is awesome and waay underrated but is in no way the scariest movie ever made.



The light world/dark world transformations, the nurses, the twitchy headed monsters, bergen street, the chain link fence and metal grate motif in the dark world, certain visual elements of the dark world... Really, Jacob's ladder is the primary influence in the visual style, and even the "Horror Drama" aspect of Silent Hill 2.
