Who was Holly Valance?

She picks real bad movies but i was wondering who she is in this.


shes one of the Sorority girls Jessica


Just FYI she is an Aussie who was in Neighbours for a few years, playing Felicity, also in Prison Break!


Just FYI she is an Aussie who was in Neighbours for a few years, playing Felicity, also in Prison Break!


she should come back, it's not like she's made a name for herself in hollywierd. perhaps she could move into number 30.

Shoulda put egomaniac, or deluded fool, no kidney thief, that's it, kidney thief.


she was jessica i.e. the chick who was in the middle of hooking up with dax during his metrosexual stage


she was in taken

I WILL find the writers of the last 3 American Pie movies, if you can call them that.
