not very good

and expected much more


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


So are you going to tell us why you think it's so bad, or should we just assume from your lack of comment that you didn't like it just because you are too lazy/thick to read the subtitles?

I rather enjoyed it by the way.



Bloody Americans!


I have to agree with you - watched this last night and the film in my opinion relied more on a 'Scream' sort of formula which didn't work here as it became predictable with the deaths and ruined the suspense for me. And it is a pity because I think the film had so much to work with here - great production design and all those creepy dolls.

It didn't help that the characters were annoying - that young college girl in particular and all the characters felt like cardboard cut outs.


I would have to disagree.

I really liked the film as the idea that dolls can love/feel jealous/feel abandoned and betrayed, was interesting and new. Of course there has been lots of movies (at least in the west) about possessed dolls but not stories using the eastern idea that inanimate objects can come to life when enough human emotion surrounds and is focused on them. I found it a different and intriguing concept.

I enjoyed the spooky setting and atmosphere and even thought the "jump" scares were quite well done especially the washroom scene.

I also found several of the performances were good. Both the woman who was possessed and her loving husband carried their scenes well.

Oddly enough, I first saw the movie on last night TV, and when I found it again on YouTube I was really surprised that the closing was totally changed. On YouTube the whole scene about the statue of the Virgin Mary, and then the bonfire of the dolls were cut. Very strange as it changed the meaning of the movie quite a lot.

Extremism is the first choice of the uninformed. Benjamin Whichcote
