MovieChat Forums > Girl Play (2004) Discussion > That review looks like it was written by...

That review looks like it was written by a studio shill

the currently only comment up there is just so publicist-esque, makes me sick. I hate these shills going around the internet posting these fake reviews on IMDB and message boards.


I think you're right -- it DOES look like it was written by a shill! Apparently it was unnecessary too--there seem to be plenty of ladies who were enchanted by the movie, although I am certainly not one of them.


I agree. I just reread it & it definitely sounds like a publicist wrote it. Sadly, it's completely unnecessary. It's actually an extremely good film with excellent actresses.


If it was a publicist don't you think they would spell the actress's name correctly? It is Lacie not Lacy.



I think there are more than a few "shills" who wrote reviews, or folks who too-closely identify with the lead characters in this film. I watched it, and it was boring, grating, and incredibly irritating in it's (failed) effort to be street-cool. The talking into the camera, the black-and-white flashback footage, AHHHHH, it was just awful. I can understand how lesbians would defend this film like a mama bear defending her cubs, but for everyone else this is just a chick-flick through a cheese grater. It is no female Brokeback Mountain, I can tell you that. More like a lesbian Smokey and the Bandit meets The Joy Luck Club.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


I personally loved this movie a lot. It was different; very performance art-ish. And by the way, I think Brokeback Mountain sucked lol And I'm a fan of the boy on boy action, really =P

I really liked how real and open the characters were. They were pretty well developed and easy to relate too. It was also refreshing to have the characters narrate it; I'm a big fan of being able to hear what the characters are thinking when they do certain things.

I also liked that it was like a play within a play. Clever, if novice.

My only major eye-roll moment was the cocaine-induced montage where they decided to replay the entire movie/events over again fast-forward as if they did not have enough material to fill the entire 75 minutes lol That bugged me.

Otherwise, B-, maybe even B+. Not everything has to be an A. Plus, have you SEEN some of the other lesbian comedies? lol This is one of the better ones! (-coughMangokisscough-)


Couldn't agree with you more. I can't understand why these two real-life women thought their love story was interesting enough to write a play, and then a movie about it. It was like listening to proud parents talk about their gorgeous baby (the one WE know looks like a frog) for 80 minutes. The leads were irritating: Robin (constantly pouting) delivered her lines as though she was performing a high school English oral, whereas Lacy seemed to lead with her huge jaw (and drag her knuckles on the ground). The music and flash-backs were as cheesy as they get. The tell-rather-than-show narration does not translate well from the stage, but more importantly, the characters did NOTHING to endear themselves to me, and so I just didn't care. I kept watching only because I'd paid to rent the damn film, but in hindsight that's 80 minutes of my life I can't get back.


absolutely, it sure does!


lol How do you know every actor and actress doesn't give a good review on their own movies? lol Or directors, or producers, studio heads, or agents, or publicists or anyone associated with the movies for that matter

lol Anyone cant create an account...
