need to gripe -spoiler ahead

ok, so I won the star wars trilogy off of the radio yesterday. pretty damn cool since it doesn't come out until next tuesday, but I must complain right now. watched jedi tonight, and now when the ghots of obi wan and anakin are waving at the party mr. Lucas has placed Hayden Christiensen ghost over the orignial ugly guy. I don't understand why they can't just leave it alone, that's all. Sorry if I spoiled the surprise



They shoot at almost exactly the same time now, and the movement of Han Solo is much more natural. The scene is way better than the '97 Special Edition, don't worry.


Greedo still shoots first, but only by a matter of a few frames.

428 DVD's and counting...


I don't know why people make such a big deal about Greedo shooting first or not. Solo was not expected at that point of the film to be a heroic character. This makes his saving of Luke all the more surprising and significant.

Some people (I'm not talking about you) get upset about the most trivial things. It must be nostalgia. After all, it's Lucas's work. He can do whatever he bloody well wants with it.

(BTW, this puts us over 1,500 films. Somehow, it's appropriate that it happened with this set.)


well said. this isnt you lot (i hope) but some real dumbarses who are only a few years younger than me say that the new jabba in anh, the emp scene in esb and hayden in rotj made the trilogy worse than tpm. Jeez, its about 4 mins of new stuff, get over it!

BTW: Before these changes were made, aparently they were the holy grail of celuloid. But now, with these ever so slight changes, they are worse than Police Academy 7.

BMH: A Care Bear With Fangs



the only change i really dont like is in anh in the millenium falcoln, just before luke n co get out of the smuggling bays, the new lines of the stormies. It just feels too out of place, but its no biggie, same film as it always was really

BMH: A Care Bear With Fangs


Here is the problem Redguru, Greedo shooting first takes away all of the character development for Solo's character. Originally, he was a rough and tumble guy who wasn't afriad to kill another guy in front of everybody and he becoems a friend and hero to the rebellion, a long arch. In the 97 edition Han only acts on self defense, limiting his growth and destroying much of the true emotion. Also, most of the add-ins are unnesecary, sloppy, or take away. Jabba is much scarier when we don't see him till the last movie, and the original wampa was the same way. The less you see, the more the imagination had to do and the more scary it was.

And furthermore, the trilogy may legally be Lucas', but really it belongs to everyone who has loved it, the people who waited outside the theater to see the films, the people who paid hard earned money to but figures, toys and models, the people who are now petitioning to get the ORIGINAL films on DVD. It belongs to all of us, and it is not authentic for Lucas to beligerently change whatever strikes him on a whim.

It may strike you as pretty trivial, but for those of us who admire the original films, the new "special" versions are a slap in the face. Ironically, Lucas once petitioned against the coloration of old black and white movies like King Kong, asking to preserve the cinematic classics' purity. Now that Emporor Lucas is a hypocrite, I have lost most of my respect for him.



You really think Star Wars belongs to you and the people who spend money on it? So you standing in line and buying tickets and toys makes it yours? Lets see..George Lucas creates a fictional story, puts in years and years of his life to making these films - and it doesn't belong to him???

I also enjoy your comments of "for those of us who admire the original films" Go F yourself! It's just a damn sci-fi series - one of the best ever by the way. I suppose you would have preferred Lucas never made these stories up? Never made the films? That way you wouldn't be so damaged emotionally by this. Grow up and shut the _ UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(OH - Nice touch with "the people who paid hard earned money to buy figures" Hard earned? How self-righteous of you!)

George Lucas - Your Daddy!


I always thought the actor (the original one) was too old to play Anakin. Maybe Anakin with the mask removed all disfigured, but Anakin was clearly the younger one from the get go. "Your powers are weak, old man."
