Need to Gripe *No Spoilers Possibly*

Ok well i guess this is the forum for the trilogy box set too, well...

Mr Lucas was quoted as saying it would be the most complete starwars material ever, then how did he miss out the deleted scene from a new hope at the beginning were luke meets up with Biggs Darklighter and some friends in a canteen, Luke runs outside with his binoculars and looks up at the sky to see a space battle giong on, Biggs then proceeds to tell luke he's off to join the rebels. Why oh why is this missing off the most completed dvd according to Lucas?


i know it exists because a few years ago there was a starwars Pc-cdrom out with all this sort of stuff on.. i still have it somewhere and that was one of the deleted scenes Lucas left out of a new hope, Come to think of it has anyone found a deleted scene section on the new disc in the box set? all i saw was the making of which was a little dissapointing, maybe im blind and im sure someone will correct me if im wrong...



Well HD-DVD's or BluRay DVD's. I personally think BluRay will be the dominate format, but they may release Star Wars for both.

And I do agree they'll release it as a major box set, and I'm sure they'll have all new commentery and a larger bonus disc of people probably addressing the series as being complete and looking over it all as a whole. Of course, this is all something I would look forward to.

This is all why I wouldn't expect a box set for both trilogies yet though. I'm sure everyones going to wait which format will win (which as many big wig producers and production companies have complained boils down to the next generation video game console war between Sony and Microsoft) before they release anything and spend lots of money producing something.
