George Lucas Whining

George does a lot of whining about how the studio were pressuring him during the first two movies (Star Wars and Empire) and how now he can do as he pleases. Someone should point out to him that the first two movies were great and all the ones in which he has had full control have been pretty dodgy.


Amen! I was in absolute awe of the original trilogy. When the prequel trilogy cam out I was horrifically disappointed. George Lucas has the crappiest writing skills ever. The story line is great but the actual script is terrible. To make matters worse, he casts such actors as Hayden Christensen to deliver dull lines with no emotion. Grr! I say that if they ever make 7-9, they let actual talent come in and help.


I say that if they ever make 7-9, they let actual talent come in and help.

Or, let actual talent come in and make the movies without Lucas' involvement? 

Please reply


Haha, so true.


Yet you are forgetting that Empire and Jedi were funded by him so therefore in complete control by him too. Sure Kershner and Marquand might have directed but Lucas worked just as much on them.


And don't forget that he didn't even write the other two (ep 5-6, my favorites), Lawrence Kasdan did!

GL himself actually didn't direct anything at all between 1977 (star wars ep4) and 1999 (star wars ep1) except, according to imdb, a music video.

All I am saying is that sure the story is great and all, but apart from his original Ideas the best parts of the trilogies weren't really done by him at all. and it shows...

Right now I am downloading some VHS-rips of the original edition (pre 97)... why? because those are the ones that are good...


I don't know what happened to the man's writing skills. I would defend him and say he wrote Ep. 3 and 4 as well as Raiders of the Lost Ark and American Graffiti, but crap! He wrote the entire prequel too. I just don't think I can say he's a good writer anymore.


Well althought my favorite are 5 and 6, I still think 4 is great. Have you guys even watched Empire of Dreams? :)
We could almost say he directed ROTJ. Well and I am think he controlled much of the work made by Kershner as well. He is great story teller and I think he's good director too. And now tell me one as half good movie as it is ANH that it has same director and writter. Plus If u look what kind of ploblems he had with those studios and all the stuff.

But I agree that new trilogy isn't that good. I hate Jar jar and whining Anakin.


His ex-wife was the thing he had going for him in the first two movies.


everyone seems to just ignore the passage of time. Lucus did a great job when he was younger on American graffiti, Radiers, Star wars ect. because that was his passion and that's what he did. But, after taking 20 years off without writing/directing hardly anything who would of expected him to be able to deliver the same quality.

It was beyond arrogant for Luckas to think he could, but that's no suprise.


Why don't you go make a movie and see how much you like to be controlled like a puppet doing what everyone else wants.

Anime is Forever


I don't know, even with my own criticisms of his skill as a director, producer, writer, whatever, he did make a series of films that practically everyone in America has seen if not loved. Somewhere he did something right, and we're still coming back to watch again and again, even if we do all end up on the same message boards making fun of it.

You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax.


Nothing more whining, than people whining over what Lucas should/shouldn't do.

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd

"walk into this world with you head up high"


"And don't forget that he didn't even write the other two (ep 5-6, my favorites), Lawrence Kasdan did!"

He wrote the story for both and worked with Kasdan on the screenplay for ROTJ. Without him writing the story for Kasdan to transfer into a screenplay, there are no movies.

Give the man his due credit, he wrote the stories.


GL DID write the story. Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay. Do your research.

Barry Lyndon shot first.


I know this is a little late.

George Lucas AND Lawrence Kasdan wrote Empire Strikes Back. Leigh Bracket wrote the first draft, then George Lucas wrote a draft or two, then Kasdan wrote the last one. It should be noted that most of what ended up on the final script was by Lucas and Kasdan.

And just because Lucas isn't credited as the "director" in Empire and Jedi, doesn't mean he wasn't in control. Kersh and Marquand directed the acting, but Lucas was still the auteur, and he had final say over everything. Source: A Brief Guide to Star Wars by Brian J. Robb.

Barry Lyndon shot first.


I think we all need to thank God Lawrence Kasdan was asked to write Empire and Jedi (and Raiders) - the script for Star Wars was good, but hugely re-written by people other than Lucas, so the first time his suckiness as a sole writer was revealed was the travesty of Ep 1.


many of you are forgetting Lucas was the sole writer for A New Hope and co-wrote Return of the Jedi

Anime is Forever


People's opinion on Lucas shows:

1. If you do something great and something crappy most will focus on the failure.

2. People are myopic and only focus on your latest offering.

If a baseball slugger stepped up to bat and half the time struck out but the other half hit home runs he would be considered the best ever. Lucas has the same success rate and is considered crap by a lot of the same people who were in awe of him before. Talk about ungrateful.

And I did not like the PT at all!

But as an aspiring filmmaker I think it is sad to see people disparage someone even though they love half his films. To me it is insane. At least he is mega rich and probably does not give a $%^&. There is that.



A New Hope was picked apart by a number of different writers and fellow filmmakers (not the least of whom was Francis Ford Coppola). I think a lot of the success of Star Wars can be attributed to its overall team effort - not just the "genius" of a single man.

And I think that's the way all great things ought to be created - in a collaborative effort. This is precisely where the prequels went wrong I think. Watch ten minutes of the making of the Phantom Menace. Lucas is surrounded by a whole army of yes men who think he's God's gift to imagination.


I suggest some of you have a read of the Making of Star Wars by JW Rinzler. If you had to put up with the same *beep* as him, you'd 'whine' too.

(Doubt you'd have the attention span though)

