MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2008) Discussion > Thank you Directors and Producers...

Thank you Directors and Producers...

Im glad the directors and producers had enough heart to wait to premiere this movie. Most directors would probably use the similarities between this movie and the Virginia Tech tragedy to boost ratings at the box office. It takes a true kind human being to do such a thing.


I completely disagree, their reaction was entirely typical. More often than not films are pushed back whenever it is deemed in bad taste given current events (outside of war films). I'm of the opinion that now would be the perfect time to release this film. First of all this is a small film that was never going to open wide so B.O. performance is completely subjective. The audiences that would see this film are generally more affluent and receptive to considering the underlying themes. Too often a film is pushed back in light of tragedies when those are the most important times for such films to be seen. A wider audience would be interested in gaining some kind of insight into such attrocities, as opposed to times of relative peace when most simply don't care. Out of sight, out of mind as it were. We need to stop running away from our societal problems and begin confronting them proactively. Art is an essential proponent for understanding and whether this particular film is good or not, it would at least open up a dialogue. The director/producers weren't brave in the least--society gave them no choice but to make this decision and once again it is society that ultimately loses.


The Visualist



Let's be realistic, the grieving families won't be going to see this film. That's the last thing on their mind. I say ignoring discussion in the wake of tragedy is counter-productive. We'd be doing a disservice to those who lost their lives if we didn't face these issues and open up a discourse. Nothing could be MORE respectful to the grieving families in my opinion.

And to use an example like watching an inflight movie where one has no choice in relation to someone who chooses to go to a movie theatre and see a specific film is just off base. That's like saying the VT victims are no different from someone who shoots him/herself as an act of suicide. No choice vs. choice. An extreme analogy but apropo.


The Visualist


There are people out there grieving every day in their houses while multiple tv shows and films show people dying in car crashes, of cancer etc.
It's not as if this was done purposely, it's just unfortunate timing. But the fact is things like this happen all the time (just not school shootings)

I think its BS that they delayed the film.
Anyway, what I came to say was tat the film has still been mentioned in news sources recently because of the similarity and will still get a LOT more attention whenever they decide to release it, make no mistake.

And that's all i have to say about that. For now.

