MovieChat Forums > Wolf Creek (2005) Discussion > Well done to this movie for breaking a c...

Well done to this movie for breaking a certain cliche

Please dont read this thread if you havent seen the movie, because i will be giving away a major spoiler

I liked the way this movie went against the grain of a certain cliche that often happens in movies like this.

Why is it that whenever you have a movie like this where its some sort of killer of any kind, and the killer goes after a certain group of people, whether its a group of friends, a uni or college on a field trip ect, and they consist of males and females (whether its 2 females and 2 males, or 2 females and 3 males ect), why is it that the lone survivour of the group is always a female???

This is the first movie of this kind i have seen where the lone survivour was a male. Maybe they played on that so it would lend itself as more of a twist?.

I didnt think the two females made a very smart decision at one time though. They pushed their getaway vechile off the cliff/gorge so it would make the killer think they carelessly drove it overboard and think they were dead and give up looking for them. And what if he spotted you??, what if he saw your rear brake lights go on from a distance (it was pitch dark afterall)....he would of known you were still alive and you would of rendered yourself more helpless by ridding of your getaway vechile.

I think in this situation i would of stayed in the vechile and just found an alternative route with it, cause even if the guy pressumed you were dead and gave up looking for you gotta trek through miles and miles of australian wilderness on foot at night time!!!.....good luck with that.


That's one of the reasons why I loved this movie. I remember seeing this in 2005 and not really knowing much about it at all. In fact all I knew before going into the theatre was that it was a scary movie called Wolf Creek. The way it was going, I thought when they approached Wolf Creek that some weird sci-fi thing was going to happen or something. Then they met Mick and at first I had no idea he would turn out to be a psycho, but he was just acting weirder and weirder, and that's when the movie tightened its grip and never let go. I didn't expect the women to be killed, let alone tortured like that as well. And then the guy survived, which is un-cliche. When it was over I felt shaken to the core. I was so scared, and I was 18 when I saw it. You might ask why I liked it then, and well.. I appreciate movies that leave a real impression on me. You've gotta appreciate it for that.


It wasn't the first that's for sure, The Evil dead (1981) had a lone male survivor at the end as well, It's one of my favourite horror movies of all time and I definetly recommend it for you to watch. I'm not sure if it was the first horror movie to have a lone male survivor though


I have seen The Evil Dead, and to be honest it made me laugh more than scared me lol. The laughing taxidermy heads on the wall was copied in a splatter house video game.


That's Evil dead 2 you're thinking of, number one is much more serious than the second although you can still find a bit of humour in it


Yeah it's definitely rare. The Evil Dead is another example, as has been mentioned. Also, The Burning had two major characters survive, both guys. And The Hitcher. At least in the original version.

Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Quite a shame that both the remake of The Hitcher and the remake of Evil Dead totally reversed the original films...the original films SUBVERTED/Inverted the "Final Girl" trope....while the remakes lazily played them straight.

Anyone interested in other horror/thriller films that bust tropes and go against the grain a little bit should also check out:

Deep Blue Sea
Pitch Black
The Descent
The Mist
Drag Me to Hell
Friday the 13th 2009

Self improvement is a full-time job


It's because the male character is loosely based on Paul Onions, the only backpacker to survive Ivan Milat (who became known as "the backpacker murderer" after killing seven backpackers in the early 90s. It was Paul's testimony which put Milat away.

Wolf Creek is loosely based on both that, and Bradley Murdoch who flagged down Peter Falconio and Joanne Lees in the NT. Murdoch attempted to abduct Lees but she escaped. Peter has never been found.
