excellent movie! a must see!

well done!

Have a nice day! - Serov
Executive Producer BAFTA
Member Screen Actors Guild



Sorry, I don't do conflict.



Sounds like everyone's recommending it!



only thing I didn't much like was Arthur and his daughter leaving together,
but I assume it was in its book so I won't criticize it.

in the book Arthur says goodbye to Lucinda and then steps onto the ground and turns to dust.

Don't you dare-ah
Keep the Sarah
In the Frarah
[hehe. stole it from Lacy]



""Took my sons out on a date to see this tonight. They're 8 and 11. We absolutely loved this movie!! The 'scary', the humour, it's all wonderful! ""

what the heck is that?? are you dating your sons or are you making the 8 & 11 year old boys date each other?? you're very sick minded bro.


I'm hearing nothing but good things, apparently it's going to be a series?


i thought it was a very good movie also. i hope they make more to the series if there are more available to be made. i am afraid though that this movie is probably going to be a box office failure, i went to my local theater with my daughter and wife on a thursday night, and we were the only people in the entire place.


Yes, it is very good!


I hear it will be a series of films for sure, as long as it does well in the box office which it seems like will be a sure thing.


Sry - didn't care for it at all. My kids- ages 14, 12, and 10 said it was 'ok'. We love fantasy movies and are pretty easy to please, but the movie fizzled beyond the first 15 minutes. Kudos to the creativity - evil guys who want world domination just for the sake of having it, divorced parents, only kids can see the bad guys, parents who don't believe what their kids are telling them, kids who can outrun beasts 10 times their size.... Never saw that stuff before (sarcasm intended). I was hoping for a great movie, got a so-so one. I agree with one critic who said, in reference to Spiderwick, that filmmakers think they can throw a bunch of stuff on the screen - like goblins, beasts, cute creatures, cgi effects, etc. - and it will make a great movie for kids and some adults. But it is a good story that makes a movie great. This story was, at best, okay.
Looking forward to Prince Caspian and several other fantasy movies.


this movie was dumb

*dad was made out to be a bad guy in the last scene. why? because he got a girlfriend? wtf?

*twins were *beep* one was all like "stfu mom!" and the other was just a pussy

*the mom doesn't really do anything except act overwhelmed all the time

*kids always fight

*bad guy looked like shrek (not scary)

*the cgi was so-so



I was actually quite disappointed with this. I am very easy going when it comes to movies, and am not picky at all, but I found this be very one dimensional. First of all, the story was very bland. There have been a lot of great fantasy movies coming out these last couple years, and this one didn't have the scope of others. With Harry Potter and Narnia, there is this amazing world that pulls you in, and this was too simple, and honestly, it was not very unique. I like Freddie Highmore, but I didn't like him in this...his characters were kind of annoying. Perhaps children will like this, but I bet a lot of adults will find the cheesy characters and uneventful story pretty forgettable.


I was kind of disappointed too. Compared to other adaptions to a book, this was a decent attempt.


i love this as much as Harry Potter and The Golden Compass

I am a Harry Potter and The Golden Compass and The Spiderwick Chronicles fan


This movie sucked balls its just a *beep* rip off of Harry Potter and Narnia wich are good movie except this crap

The Spiderwick Chronicles: 0/10


Joker is Wild 2008
Venom is born 2007


Actually this is a great family movie...

It got all you would expect - great effects, good cast and an exciting plotline... the movie is also very funny...

Mark My Word...




Joker is Wild 2008
Venom is born 2007


I dont know how theyll make it into a series because Mulgarath is already dead and what else can they do because the whole series of books was leading up to Mulgaraths death in the last book so a series wont really work.

For a book adaptation they left a lot out but it really was a great movie and added things and changed things so they could fit it all into however long it went for.. thats the main problem with book adaptations - they dont have enough time

