Affront to Christian Values?

Those of you who have seen this movie tell me: did you find the lesbian mother plot to be offensive? I know I did. We rented this at our local video store (Pudgie's Grub and Fudge and Such) and were shocked at the way she parades around town after leaving her husband! She's got two to three kids too!

I also don't let my children Abraham, Noah, David and Brittnee watch so called "entertainment" where children waste food, and brother there is a lot of food wasting going on in "Spider Wick's Chronicles"! I was madder than a wet chicken watching them give honey to their old elf-man.

Stick with what you already know. If you're renting a movie for the kids, try Chronicles: of Narnia, or Chronicles: of Narnia 2, or even parts of Wizards of Waverly Place/ Hanna Montana, but think twice about letting them watch "Spider Wick's Chornicles". Don't make them vulnerable to unhealthy influences. Way worse then Harry Potter's and the Chamber of Spirits.




Okay. Just checkin'.


How was his mother lesbian? And even if she was, thats not against christian values, thats against certain Church's values, theres a difference.

And they wasted fod to SAVE THERE LIVES. So if you kids had the option of dying or wasting some tomato sauce, youd prefer them die, right?


Dustydevil8809, I sent you a private message concerning how lesbianism actually is against Christian values. Please read it. I hope it will be enlightening.


"And even if she was, thats not against christian values"

Oh, yes it is.




Not the Christians I know. They welcome all people with love and understanding. Maybe it's just your Christian cult.


This movie was offensive to my atheist values, because it plain sucked.



Obvious troll is obvious.

"You make a place for things... Things come."


Five years later, I bet OP isn't still recommending Hanna Montana for good Christian families. :)


